Project Details
Professorin Dr. Ute Schmid
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik
Professur für Angewandte Informatik / Kognitive Systeme
An der Weberei 5
96047 Bamberg
As Applicant
Completed projects
Effiziente Algorithmen zur induktiven Programmsynthese (Research Grants)
Learning to Delete: Forgetting of Digital Objects as Collaborative Task of Human and AI (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Current projects
National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science (NFDI technical and methodological consortia)
Completed projects
Modellierung von Inferenzen in Mentalen Modellen (Priority Programmes)
Current projects
- As Co-Investigator