Project Details
Professor Dr. Thilo Streck
Universität Hohenheim
Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre (310)
Emil-Wolff-Straße 27
70599 Stuttgart
As Applicant
Current projects
Completed projects
Soil-plant-atmosphere interactions at the regional scale (Research Grants)
Soil-plant-atmosphere interactions at the regional scale (Research Units)
Central project management and communication (Research Units)
Current projects
- As Spokesperson
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 1070: Modelling Material Flows and Production Systems for Sustainable Resource Use in Intensified Crop Production in the North China Plain (International Research Training Groups)
GRK 1829: Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling (Research Training Groups)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Probabilistic assessment of the environmental fate of agrochemicals under varying land use in a Watershed in Northern Thailand (Collaborative Research Centres)
Transport of agrochemicals in a watershed in Northern Vietnam (Collaborative Research Centres)
Controls for the Fate of Agrochemicals in Soils (Collaborative Research Centres)
Stochastic Modeling Framework of Catchment-Scale Reactive Transport (Collaborative Research Centres)
Basic Modeling and Data Services (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
- As Cooperation Partner