Professor Dr. Manfred Stamm
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)
Hohe Straße 6
01069 Dresden
As Applicant
Completed projects
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen von Benetzungseigenschaften von dünnen ein- und zweikomponentigen Polymerfilmen
(Priority Programmes)
Adsorbierte und kovalent fixierte Polyelektrolyte an fest/flüssig Grenzflächen
(Priority Programmes)
Photochemically switchable polymer surfaces
(Research Grants)
Tuning Adhesion by Surface Modification with Mixed Polymer Brushes
(Research Grants)
Nanoscale electronic devices via templating supramolecular polyelectrolytes (NEDSPE)
(Research Grants)
Non-equilibrium flow in nanoscale geometries: Influence of confinement and surface functionality
(Priority Programmes)
Fabrication of polymer micro- and nanotubes with use of self-scrolling effect of strained thin polymer bilayer films.
(Priority Programmes)
Fabrication of nanorods and nanotubes via templating based on teh self-organization in the films of block copolymer supramolecular assemblies
(Priority Programmes)
Polyelectrolyte Conformations and Phase Transitions: Scattering, Imaging and Simulation Studies
(Research Grants)
Conductive polymer brushes: New electro- and photo- active molecular architectures
(Research Grants)
Entwicklung festigkeitsoptimierter Biaxialgestrickpreformen komplexer Geometrien
(Priority Programmes)
Design of new responsive materials based on functional polymer brushes for smart tuning and sensoring of proteins and particles adsorption
(Research Grants)
Coatings with "Inverse Switching" Behaviour: New Applications of Core-Shell Hydrogel Particles
(Priority Programmes)
Non-equilibrium flow at gradient surfaces: Fluid kinetics of droplets and particle motion
(Priority Programmes)
Oder and phase behaviour of block copolymers containing magnetic nano-particles
(Research Grants)
Block copolymer supramolecular assemblies functionalized with magnetic nanowires
(Priority Programmes)
Optimierung von Struktur und Eigenschaften von Polymermischungen aus Blockcopolymeren mit statistischen Mittelblöcken
(Research Grants)
In-situ Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungskräfte an Polyelektrolytbürsten
(Research Grants)
Coatings with "Inverse Switching" Behavior: New Applications of Core-Shell Hydrogel Particles
(Priority Programmes)
Lithium-Schwefel-Hochenergie Akkumulatoren mit reversiblen Matrix-interkalierten Schwefelkathoden
(Priority Programmes)
Adhesion in Model Polymer-Solid Interphases: Relation between the Nanoscopic Interphase and Macroscopic Adhesion
(Priority Programmes)
Switchable polymer interfaces for bottom-up stimulation of mamalian cells
(Research Grants)
Ordering and Helical Structures of Nanoparticles in Block Copolymers
(Research Grants)
In-situ Spectroscopic Investigations of High Energy Li-S Batteries Based on New Carbon Cathodes
(Research Grants)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 720: Advanced Polymeric Materials: Preparation, Characterization and Application
(International Research Training Groups)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Photovernetzbare Polymeroberflächen mit Gradienteneigenschaften für kombinatorische Anwendungen in der Grenzflächenadsorption
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Synthese, Grenzschichtenanalytik und Schichtbildungsverhalten self-assembly-fähiger Moleküle mit haftvermittelnden Eigenschaften
(Collaborative Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Dissipative Processes at Polymer Surfaces
(Research Grants)