Professor Dr.-Ing. Lars Linsen
Universität Münster
Institut für Informatik
Einsteinstraße 62
48149 Münster
As Applicant
Current projects
HiResHemo: Hemodynamics at High Spatio-temporal Resolution by Comparative Visual Analysis of 4D PC-MRI Data and CFD Simulation Ensembles
(Research Grants)
VACS 2.0: Visual Analysis for Cohort Studies (Visual Analysis of Time-varying High-dimensional Heterogeneous and Incomplete Data with Application to Population-based Studies)
(Research Grants)
Retrospective CT examinations of clavicular ossification - development of a clinical decision support system based on classical scale-based assessments and modern machine learning methodology to improve the validity and reliability of forensic age assessments (Clavicle-ML)
(Research Grants)
Multifaceted Data Visualization: A unifying concept for analyzing spatio-temporal data ensembles
(Research Grants)
Completed projects
SmoothViz: Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation Data
(Research Grants)
Visual Analysis of Multi-run Multi-field Simulation Data
(Research Grants)
Uncertainty in Medical Visualization: Bringing Imaging and Simulation Uncertainty Together
(Research Grants)
Prehensile Interaction: User Interaction Concepts based on Prehensile Hand Behavior
(Research Grants)
As Leader
Completed projects
(Major Research Instrumentation)
As Project Head
Current projects
Interactive and computational analysis of large multiscale imaging data
(Collaborative Research Centres)