Project Details
Professor Dr. Thomas Wirth
Universität Ulm
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Physiologische Chemie
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
As Applicant
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung des FOXO3 für die neuronale Entwicklung, Alterung und Degeneration (Clinical Research Units)
Completed projects
As Leader
Completed projects
Maus-Biolumineszenz-Imaging-System (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GSC 270: International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine Ulm (Graduate Schools)
GRK 1789: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Aging (CEMMA) (Research Training Groups)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Cell-type-specific modulation of NF-ĸB in traumatic brain injury (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
Die Rolle des Oktamer-Transkriptions-Systems für Determination und Differenzierung von B Lymphozyten (Collaborative Research Centres)
Die rolle von NF-kB und Myc für Entwicklung und Funktion des Endothels (Collaborative Research Centres)
Die Bedeutung der NF-kB Aktivierung für Entstehung und Verlauf der akuten Pankreatitis (Collaborative Research Centres)
Role of NF-KappaB in pancreatic tumour progression (Collaborative Research Centres)
Die Rolle des Ko-Aktivators BOB.1/OBF.1 für die Differenzierung von Effektor-Lymphozyten (Collaborative Research Centres)
Role of EZH2 in B-lymphoid and myeloid leukemogenesis (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects
- As Participating Person