Professor Dr. Harald Strauß
Universität Münster
Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie
Corrensstraße 24
48149 Münster
As Applicant
Completed projects
Der sedimentäre Schwefelkreislauf im Paläozoikum
(Priority Programmes)
The carbon isotopic composition of terrestrial organic matter as a proxy signal for climatic and paleobotanical evolution during the late Paleozoic
(Priority Programmes)
Isotopic investigation of the sulfur and carbon cycles in sedimentary rocks from the Yangtze Platform, China: seawater chemistry and biogeochemical evolution during the terminal Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic
(Research Grants)
Chemostratigraphie einer paläoproterozoischen BIF-MnF Abfolge - die Hotazel Formation, Südafrika
(Research Grants)
Biogeochemische und palökologische Evolution jungpaläozoischer Seesysteme
(Priority Programmes)
Chemostratigraphie einer paläoproterozoischen BIF-MnF Abfolge - die Hotazel Formation, Südafrika
(Research Grants)
Stratigraphie, Palynologie und Biogeochemie von Rotliegendseesedimenten des Saar-Nahe Beckens
(Priority Programmes)
Biogeochemie des Schwefels in neoproterozoischen und kambrischen Sedimenten Indiens
(Research Grants)
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
(Priority Programmes)
Longstern study of hydrothermalism and biology at the Logatchev field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 15°N (revisit 2005) M64/2
(Priority Programmes)
An Integrated Sedimentological and Multi-proxy Geochemical Investigation of the Neoproterozoic Climatic Paradox
(Research Grants)
Chemostratigraphy of a Paleoproterozoic BIF-MnF succession - the Voelwater Subgroup, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
(Research Grants)
The sulphur isotopic evolution of Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic seawater - clues for reconstructing Earth's oxygenation and sulphur metabolism
(Research Grants)
Sulphur isotopic investigation of dissolved and solid sulphur phases in fluids, mineral precipitates, sediments and rock samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
(Priority Programmes)
Multiple sulphur isotopes reflecting atmospheric and oceanic evolution in the Archean and Paleoproterozoic
(Research Grants)
Biospheric oxygenation and atmospheric evolution across Earth's earliest glacial episodes
(Research Grants)
The emergence of an aerobic world: isotopic evidence for biogeochemical changes at the Archean-Proterozoic transition
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Molecular and organic carbon isotopic evidence for the evolution of key metabolic pathways during the Archean-Proterozoic transition
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Resolving sedimentary sulphur cycling during the Shunga Event (early Paleoproterozoic) with sulphur isotopes
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Unraveling the sulfur cycle with carbonates: mechanism of incorporation and diagenesis of structurally-substituted-sulfate
(Research Units)
From a modern highly mineralized spring to the Paleoproterozoic ocean: geomicrobiology and isotopic biogeochemistry of the Arvadi spring, Switzerland
(Research Grants)
Peering into the Cradle of Life: multiple sulphur isotopes reveal insights into environmental conditions and early sulphur metabolism some 3.5 Ga ago
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Sulfate and dolomitization - constraints for precipitation and alteration
(Research Units)
A profile of multiple sulfur, oxygen, strontium isotopes and related chalcophile elements through lower slow-spreading crust (IODP Expedition 360, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge)
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Calcium isotope fractionation during transport and recrystallisation processes in marine deep sea sediments
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Elucidating Eoarchean geodynamic processes by multiple sulfur isotopes
(Priority Programmes)
Was the Great Oxidation Event a sharp or an oscillating build-up of free atmospheric oxygen? A combined S-Mo-Se isotope study of continuous drill core records through the Duitschland/ Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill Formations, Transvaal Basin, South Africa
(Priority Programmes)
As Leader
Completed projects
Gas-Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometer I
(Major Research Instrumentation)
Gas-Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometer II
(Major Research Instrumentation)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Genese und Dynamik der C- und S-Verbindungen in tiefen Porengrundwässern der Niederrheinischen Bucht (Testfeld Braunkohle - Standort Garzweiler)
(Priority Programmes)
Geochemistry of impact lithologies, Chicxulub, Mexico
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Sinian low-latitude glacial deposits on the Yangtze platform, South China: Sedimentological and geochemical evidence for Late Proterozoic climate change and a test of the Snowball Earth hypothesis
(Research Grants)
Evolution of higher land plants during the late Palaeozoic: A compound specific carbon isotopic study
(Priority Programmes)
Numerische Modellierung der im SPP 1054 gewonnenen kontinuierlichen geochemischen Datensätze
(Priority Programmes)
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
(Priority Programmes)
Biosignatures in precipitates and altered rocks at hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: organic geochemistry, microbiology and petrography
(Priority Programmes)
Gas chemistry and carbon cycling at hydrothermal systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: time- and space-referenced biogeochemical and isotopic investigations
(Priority Programmes)
Quantification and geochemical characterization of total mass fluxes in river catchments of the Rhenish Massif and the Black Forest, Germany
(Research Grants)
Mikrobiologie an Hydrothermalquellen des Tyrrhenischen Meeres
(Research Grants)
Establishment of the core facility Münster Isotope Research Center (MIRC)
(Research Grants)
Formation of mega-glendonites in the aftermath of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
(Research Grants)
The Permian-Triassic boundary and the Early Triassic in Transcaucasian and Central Iranian pelagic sections
(Research Grants)
Establishing a reference profile for fast-spreading oceanic crust: Petrology and geochemistry of the "Wadi Gideah" cross section in the Oman ophiolite
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
As Cooperation Partner
Completed projects
Uranium and V isotope variations in Archean sediments: Evidence for metal mobilization and enzymatic reduction in an overall anoxic world?
(Priority Programmes)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Multiple sulfur isotopes and metal trap evolution in sediment hosted ore systems
(Priority Programmes)
A Big Data approach to reconstruct Australia’s hydroclimate (Neogene - Quaternary)
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Long in-situ sections in the Wadi Gideah, Oman ophiolite: The key for understanding the mechanism of accretion, magmatic evolution and cooling of lower fast-spread oceanic crust
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)