Professor Dr. Klaus T. Preissner
No current work address.
As Applicant
Completed projects
The role of endothelial cell receptors and bacterial products in Staphylococcus aureus endovascular infection and novel strategies for anti-inflammatory interventions
(Research Grants)
The role of endothelial cell receptors and bacterial products in Staphylococcus aureus endovascular infection and novel strategies for anti-inflammatory interventions
(Research Grants)
Extra- und intrazelluläre Funktionen von S. aureus Eap in der Wirtsabwehr
(Priority Programmes)
Dysregulation of pericullar proteolysis and growth factor functions in lung fibrosis: haemostasis-related pathomechanisms and new therapeutic modalities
(Clinical Research Units)
The influence of the extracellular RNA/RNase system on humoral and cellular reactions at the tumor-vessel interface
(Priority Programmes)
The role of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) in pulmonary fibrosis
(Research Grants)
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
GRK 1566: Protecting the Heart from Ischemia (PROMISE)
(International Research Training Groups)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 534: Biological Basis of Vascular Medicine
(Research Training Groups)
GRK 1062: Signalling Mechanisms in Lung Physiology and Disease (SMLPD)
(International Research Training Groups)
EXC 147: Cardio-Pulmonary System
(Clusters of Excellence)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Zelluläre und humorale Funktionen von extrazellulärer RNA im kardiopulmonalen System und die funktionelle Bedeutung von endothelialer RNase
(Collaborative Research Centres)
FXII – between hypercoagulation and fibrinolysis shutdown in COVID-19
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Identification of the molecular mechanisms of signal tranduction via the urokinase-urokinase receptor system and its implications in vascular biology
(Research Grants)
Analysis of the biochemical properties and biological activities of Schistosoma mansoni eggderived factor(s) on angiogenesis and inflammation
(Research Grants)
The regulation of placentral vascularization
(Research Grants)
Funktionelle Bedeutung des extrazellulären RNA/RNase Systems für die vaskuläre Homöostase
(Research Grants)
Charakterisierung von (tumoralen) Autoantigenen beim kindlichen paraneoplastischen Opsoklonus-Myoklonus-Syndrom: Struktur-Funktions-Beziehungen und Mechanismus der Pathogenese
(Research Grants)