Project Details
Professor Dr. Thomas Laux
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Biologie III
Schänzlestraße 1
79104 Freiburg
- As Applicant
- Completed projects
- Etablierung von Entwicklungsdomänen im Embryo von Arabidopsis thaliana (Research Grants)
- Asymmetric division of the zygote in Arabidopsis thaliana (Priority Programmes)
- Genetic mechanisms of petal size regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana (Research Grants)
- The role of WOX genes regulating apical embryo patterning (Research Grants)
- European Plant Embryology Consortium (Research Grants)
- Transcriptional Regulation of Zygote Asymmetry in Arabidopsis thaliana (Research Grants)
- Initiation of shoot meristem stem cells during Arabidopsis embryogenesis (Research Grants)
- Completed projects
- As Participating Researcher
- Current projects
- EXC 2189: CIBSS - Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
- Completed projects
- GRK 1305: Signal Systems in Plant Model Organisms (Research Training Groups)
- GSC 4: Molecular Cell Research in Biology and Medicine (MOBILMED) (Graduate Schools)
- EXC 294: Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (bioss) - From Analysis to Synthesis (Clusters of Excellence)
- Current projects
- As Project Head
- Completed projects
- Regulation von Stammzellen im Sproßmeristen von Arabidopsis Thaliana (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Struktur und Funktion des ZWILLE Proteinkomplexes von Arabidopsis (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Festlegung der Position von Organen in Arabidopsis thaliana (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Stem cell regulation in Arabidopsis plant apical meristems (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Completed projects