Project Details
Professor Dr. Wolf-Christian Dullo
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
As Applicant
Completed projects
Rapid climatic changes during the Pleistocene documented in the physical properties of drift sediments from the North Atlantic: a synthesis (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Amplitudenänderungen physikalischer Sedimentparameter in orbitalen und suborbitalen Zeitskalen als Anzeiger von Klima und ozeanischer Zirkulation im späten Neogen (0-700ka): Ultrahochauflösende Zeitreihen von Driftsedimenten im subtropischen Nordatlantik (ODP-Leg 172) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Cenozoic paleoceangraphy of the Southern Ocean during the opening of the Tasmanian Gateway: The climate-tectonic link (ODP Leg 189) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Global carbonate sedimentation - mid-Cretaceous to Recent (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Isotope Signature of calcareous Organisms from upper and Lower carbonate mound sediments 2 (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Cold-Water Coral Mound Development Related to INtermediate WAter DEnsity Gradient (INWADE) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Wechselwirkung zwischen Ozean und Atmosphäre in verschiedenen Zeitskalen (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Chemische und isotopische Untersuchungen von Platinmetallen in Tiefseesedimenten aus dem ODP-Programm (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Die Rekonstruktion der delta44Ca-Isotopie des Phanerozoischen Ozeans (Research Grants)
Quantitative Reconstruction of the Neogene East and West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from Drift Sediments (ODP Leg 178 and Leg 188): A Synthesis (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Kaltwasserkorallen-Ökosysteme im Golf von Cadiz (MSM 6/1) (Priority Programmes)
ECHO- IntermEdiate water mass history at a Cold-water coral Habitat in the North Atlantic: Geochemical signals from lODP Site 1317 (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects