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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institute for Energy Materials and Devices (IMD)
Werkstoffstruktur und -eigenschaften (IMD-1)
Leo-Brandt-Straße 1
52428 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52428 Jülich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Kontaktermüdung auf der Mikro- und Nanoskala: Untersuchung der Schädigungsmechanismen und der mikrostrukturellen Einflüsse auf das Schädigungsverhalten und die Lebensdauer von Metalloberflächen unter zyklischer Kontaktbelastung
Schwaiger, Ruth
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Neue Oxidationsschutzschichtenkonzepte für zukünftige Kraftwerke mit hohem Wirkungsgrad und integrierter CO2-Abtrennung
Naumenko, Dmytro
The electrical properties of themally grown chromica scales as function of temperature as well as oxygen and water vapour partial pressure
Hänsel, Michael
Research Grants
Current projects
Development and Characterization of Eutectic V-Si-B Alloys with Advanced Specific Mechanical Properties for High Temperature Applications: Role of the New V8SiB4 Phase
Gorr, Bronislava
Hasemann, Georg
Schwaiger, Ruth
Mechanisms of segregation induced strengthening and toughening of ultrafine-grained tungsten alloys at elevated temperatures
Peter, Nicolas
Modelling of High Temperature Corrosion to Predict the Microstructure Evolution in Nickel-Base Alloys during Exposure to Oxygen-Nitrogen Mixed Gas Environments
Krupp, Ulrich
Naumenko, Dmytro
Salt-metal systems as new storage materials with enhanced thermal conductivity for thermal energy storage (SaltMe)
Hurtado, Antonio M.
Müller, Michael
Completed projects
Contact fatigue of nanostructured metals using nanoindentation methods
Schwaiger, Ruth
Deformation via the Transformation of Hierarchical Microstructures
Brinckmann, Steffen
Designing toughening concepts for future hard coatings
Brinckmann, Steffen
Kirchlechner, Christoph
Development of strain tolerant aluminia scasles on MCr-AL-Basis high temperatur alloys and coatings
Naumenko, Dmytro
Effect of hydrogen from steam on external and internal oxidation processes of Fe- and Ni-base alloys
Dörner, Reinhard
Galetz, Mathias
Naumenko, Dmytro
FASS - Physically based modelling and simulation of the mechanical behaviour of metallic thin film systems and fine grained surfaces under cyclic loading
Sandfeld, Stefan
Schwaiger, Ruth
Fracture initiation in FCC and BCC metals during tribology
Brinckmann, Steffen
Investigation of Properties and Thermochemical Mechanisms of the Aging of RAB-Ceramic-to-Metal-Joints
Bobzin, Kirsten
Oxidation mechanisms of metallic carrier materials for gas separation membranes in power generation systems with carbon dioxide capture
Mayer, Joachim
Quadakkers, Willem Joe
Steigerung der Anwendungstemperaturgrenze und Lebensdauer einer gamma -TiAl-Legierung der dritten Generation mittels maßgeschneiderter Oxidationsschutzschicht
Appel, Fritz
Steigerung der Anwendungstemperaturgrenze und Lebensdauer einer -TiAl-Legierung der dritten Generation mittels maßgeschneiderter Oxidationsschutzschicht
Christ, Hans Jürgen
Oehring, Michael
Singheiser, Lorenz
Thermodynamische Modellierung der Langzeitstabilität von Nickellegierungen für Turbinen-Rotorwellen
Schubert, Florian
Understanding the atomic structure of shear bands in metallic glass using a newly developed STEM diffraction technique: RDF imaging
Mu, Ph.D., Xiaoke
Veränderung der Eigenschaften thermisch wachsender Chromoxiddeckschichten auf Hochtemperaturlegierungen durch den Einfluss von Wasserdampf/Wasserstoff
Christ, Hans Jürgen
Hänsel, Michael
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Coarsening and growth of meta-stable gamma''-precipitates in Nickel-base Superalloys
Glatzel, Uwe
Deformation Mechanisms in FCC and BCC High Entropy Alloys Under Various Conditions
Kauffmann, Alexander
Weiss, Klaus-Peter
Elastic effects on heterogeneous nucleation and microstructure formation
Müller-Krumbhaar, Heiner
Spatschek, Robert
Identification of the intrinsic deformation mechanisms of single phase body-centered cubic high entropy alloys
Gruber, Patric Alfons
Schwaiger, Ruth
Innere Ausscheidungen als Template für oxidische Deckschichten mit hohem Emissionskoeffizienten und optimierter Barrierewirkung
Mayer, Joachim
Quadakkers, Willem Joe
Modeling bainitic transformations during press hardening
Hunkel, Martin
Prahl, Ulrich
Spatschek, Robert
Sensorfunktion für Hochtemperaturschutzschichten zur in situ Erfassung des Degradationszustands
Quadakkers, Willem Joe
Quandt, Eckhard
Schütze, Michael
Thermomechanische Charakterisierung emissionreduzierter Feuerfestwerkstoffe
Malzbender, Jürgen
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Ab initio based mesoscale simulation of hydrogen embrittlement
(Project Heads
Neugebauer, Jörg
von Pezold, Johann
Spatschek, Robert
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2561: Materials Compounds from Composite Materials
Heilmaier, Martin
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2082: 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)
Bunz, Uwe F. H.
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Wegener, Martin
Wittbrodt, Joachim
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI-MatWerk - National Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science & Engineering
Eberl, Christoph
Additional Information
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