Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI)
Abteilung Kairo
31, Abu el Feda
11211 Kairo-Zamalek
This institution in GERiT
11211 Kairo-Zamalek
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Wohnhaus und bürgerliche Wohnkultur in Beirut (Libanon) zwischen Osmanisierung, Europäisierung und sozialem Wandel, 1860-1930
Bodenstein, Ralph
Research Grants
Current projects
Eclipse and Mutation: The end of the sun temple of Heliopolis (Egypt)
Bruhn, Kai-Christian
Raue, Dietrich
Visualizing an Ancient Egyptian Queen - The Tomb of the 1st Dynasty Queen Meret-Neith at Abydos
Raue, Dietrich
Visualizing an Ancient Egyptian Queen - The Tomb of the 1st Dynasty Queen Meret-Neith at Abydos
Raue, Dietrich
Completed projects
Darfur und West-Kordofan. Erfassung und Dokumentation archäologischer Plätze im westlichen Sudan
Vogt, Burkhard
Die Königspyramiden von Meroe und J. Barkal, Architektur und Baugeschichte
Rheidt, Klaus
Scientific background knowledge and research transfer as exemplified by the Egyptologist Georg Steindorff (1861-1951)
Raue, Dietrich
The Cultic Centre of the Sun-God of Heliopolis (Egypt)
Bruhn, Kai-Christian
Raue, Dietrich
The sacral topography of a monastic landscape and its development on the hill of Dra Abu el-Naga / Upper Egypt: Deir el-Bakhît and the Theban monastery of Saint Paulos
Bodenstein, Ralph
The sacred topography of a monastic landscape and its development on the hilltop of Dra' Abu el-Naga / Upper Egypt: Deir el-Bakhit and the monastery of Apa Paulos in Western Thebes - pilot phase
Burkard, Günter
Daim, Falko
Polz, Daniel
Untersuchung der vorgeschichtlichen - frühzeitlichen Königsgräber in Abydos/Ägypten
Fless, Friederike
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Einfluß von Reparaturfaktoren auf Integrase-vermittelte Prozesse
Kiechle, Markus
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Routes of Interaction: Interregional Contacts between the Northern Horn of Africa and the Nile Region
Gerlach, Iris
Raue, Dietrich
Schütt, Brigitta