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Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Klinik für Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie
Hindenburgdamm 30
12203 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12203 Berlin
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Beanspruchungsgerechte Osteosyntheseplanung komplexer Frakturen und Umstellungen der Tibia
Duda, Georg
KFO 102: Biomechanics and Biology of Bone Healing: Individual, Load Adapted Osteosynthesis
Haas, Norbert P.
Leitung, Organisation, Reisekosten, Symposien
Haas, Norbert P.
Muskuloskelettale Belastung und biologische Antwort im validierten Schafsmodell
Duda, Georg
Prognose der Frakturheilung anhand knochenspezifischer Parameter unter Berücksichtigung der mechanischen Rahmenbedingungen in vivo
Bail, Hermann Josef
Research Grants
Completed projects
Adenovirale Transfektion von dendritischen Zellen mit Interleukin-10 - Einfluss auf regulatorische T-Lymphozyten-Funktionen im murinen Sepsismodell
Tschöke, Sven Kevin
Applikation wachstumsfaktorspezifischer Gene (BMP-2) mittel Copolymer Protected Gene Vector (COPROG) zur Beschleunigung der Implantateinheilung in vivo
Schmidmaier, Gerhard
Stemberger, Axel
Beanspruchungsgerechte Osteosyntheseplanung komplexer, gelenkinvolvierender Frakturen der proximalen Tibia
Duda, Georg
Druck und Kinematik im stabilen und instabilen Patellofemoralgelenk unter muskuloskeletaler Belastung
Duda, Georg
Genexpression und zelluläre Mechanismen der Knochenheilung unter Applikation von GH und IGF-1 - Tierexperimentelle Analyse -
Hüning, Martin
Influence of the sagittal balance on the segmental load and the success of the surgical treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine
Putzier, Michael
In vivo Analyse der Interaktion von traumatischer Weichteilschädigung und Frakturheilung. Mikrovaskuläre, histologische und biomechanische Untersuchungen am Tiermodell der Ratte
Schaser, Klaus-Dieter
In vivo analysis of the effect of the traumatic brain injury on the fracture healing of the long bones: experimental study
Tsitsilonis, Ph.D., Serafeim
Linking traumatic brain injury and accelerated bone regeneration - a central role of alpha-adrenergic/CGRP signaling.
Keller, Ph.D., Johannes
Tsitsilonis, Ph.D., Serafeim
Osteochondrale Defektheilung - Mechanobiologische und molekularbiologische Mechanismen der Regeneration
Duda, Georg
Regeneration of tissue interfaces: Biomaterial controlled morphogen gradients for tissue patterning in regeneration
Duda, Georg
Resolution of inflammation in tendon disease: how is the bursa involved?
Klatte-Schulz, Franka
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Genetic pathogenesis of tissue injury-induced apoptosis of immunocompetent and parenchymal cells
Ertel, Wolfgang
Neuroinflammation and neuronal apoptosis in experimental closed head injury in mice
Ertel, Wolfgang
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Impact of the central nervous system on metabolic and immunological responses, particularly focusing on adrenergic signaling and circadian rhythm in bone and fracture following trauma
(Project Heads
Jahn, Denise
Pumberger, Matthias
Tsitsilonis, Ph.D., Serafeim
Completed projects
Biology of musculoskeletal regeneration and evaluation of guided tissue formation
(Project Heads
Bail, Hermann Josef
Lienau, Jasmin
Organisation and structural integration
(Project Heads
Duda, Georg
Haas, Norbert P.
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Evaluation of the efficacy of a novel RIA/mPCL-TCP Scaffold System in repairing critical-sized segmental bone defects compared to the gold standard autograft treatment in an ovine large animal model
Henkel, Jan
Research Units
Current projects
Articulated, statistical 3D shape and bone density model of the human spine for research in clinical biomechanics as well as for individualized diagnosis and therapy planning in orthopaedics
Zachow, Stefan
Dynamics of posture, shape, and motion of asymptomatic subjects and LBP patients in daily life activities
Pumberger, Matthias
Schmidt, Hendrik
FOR 5177: The Dynamics of the Spine: Mechanics, Morphology and Motion towards a comprehensive Diagnosis of Low Back Pain
Schmidt, Hendrik
Completed projects
FOR 2165: Regeneration in Aged Individuals: Using Bone Healing as a Model System to Characterise Regeneration under Compromised Conditions
Duda, Georg
Physical activity and psychosocial characteristics of asymptomatic subjects and low back pain patients in real life
Fleig, Lena
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Completed projects
Vom lebenden Material lernen, technische Materialien für die Geweberegeneration und für medizinische Implantate entwickeln (Nachwuchsakademie Medizintechnik 2010)
Duda, Georg
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 331: Temperature-Dependent Effects in Therapy and Diagnosis
Felix, Roland
Additional Information
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