Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institut für Angewandte Physik
Physik der molekularen und biologischen Materie
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Charge separation at nanostructured molecular donor-acceptor interfaces
Brütting, Wolfgang
Koch, Norbert
Pflaum, Jens
Schreiber, Frank
Perovskite Heterostructure Investigations using Vacuum Evaporation and X-ray diffraction - PHIVE-X
Leo, Karl
Schreiber, Frank
Röntgenstreuungsuntersuchungen an organisch-anorganischen Grenzflächen
Schreiber, Frank
Wechselwirkung zwischen Grenzflächen- und Volumeneigenschaften in kristallinen Pulvern und keramischen Bauteilen
Ihringer, Jörg
Research Grants
Current projects
Dynamics, kinetics and assembly of model intrinsically disordered proteins from a polymer physics perspective
Schreiber, Frank
Enhancing structural coherence and optical coupling in quantum dot supercrystals
Scheele, Marcus
Schreiber, Frank
From Protein Adsorption to Crystallisation Tuned by Multivalent Ions (PATMI 2.0)
Schreiber, Frank
Machine Learning for Enhancing Parameter Extraction by the Transfer Matrix Method and Applications to X-ray and Neutron Scattering
Hinderhofer, Alexander
Completed projects
Charge transfer at organic semiconductor hetero-interfaces: Towards a unified picture in intermediate cases of ground state and excited state scenarios
Brütting, Wolfgang
Opitz, Andreas
Schreiber, Frank
Charge transfer driven photophysical phenomena in blends of organic semiconductors: From steady-state to ultrafast optical spectroscopy
Schreiber, Frank
Tegeder, Petra
Coupled Organic-Inorganic Nanostructures: From Tailored Electronic Properties to Carrier-Selective Transport and Optoelectronic Devices
Brütting, Wolfgang
Scheele, Marcus
Schreiber, Frank
Crystalline thin film growth in anisotropic mixtures: a combined approach by experiment, theory and simulation
Oettel, Martin
Schreiber, Frank
Diffusion in protein solutions: the effect of crowding, temperature and charges
Schreiber, Frank
Exploring the limits of real-time studies of growth of molecular and hybrid systems
Schreiber, Frank
In situ and real-time investigations of organic semiconductor film growth
Schreiber, Frank
Interfaces between conjugated organic molecules and metal surfaces: Correlating adsorption-induced distotion, electronic structure, and interface dipole
Koch, Norbert
Schreiber, Frank
Liquid-liquid phase separation and crystallization in protein solutions induced by multivalent metal ions
Zhang, Ph.D., Fajun
Nonclassical Nucleation Pathways and Growth Kinetics of Protein Crystallization
Zhang, Ph.D., Fajun
Protein Adsorption Tuned by Multivalent Ions (PATMI): Connecting Bulk to Interface Behaviour by Controlling Interactions
Schreiber, Frank
Static and dynamic properties of antibody proteins in solution - the effects of crowding and charge-tuning
Schreiber, Frank
Structure and Electronic Gap State Density at Organic Semiconductor Interfaces
Hinderhofer, Alexander
Two-Components Colloidal Solutions: Tuning the Interactions of Functionalized Nanoparticles with Proteins
Schreiber, Frank
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
DAPHNE4NFDI - DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI
Barty, Anton
Murphy, Bridget