Universität Koblenz
Campus Koblenz
Fachbereich 1 - Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Soziologie
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz
This institution in GERiT
56070 Koblenz
Research Grants
Current projects
Sleepwalking. Recalcitrant Knowledge about a liminal state (Continuation of Sleep Knowledge. On the production of knowledge in sleep laboratories and via self-tracking)
Ahlheim, Hannah Elisabeth
Zifonun, Darius
Zillien, Nicole
Completed projects
Erziehung und Tradition. Tradierungsprozesse in Familien
Bohnsack, Ralf
Erziehung und Tradition. Tradierungsprozesse in Familien
Kraul, Margret
Gender differences in key transition phases in family life. Ethnographies of becoming a parent, separation and empty nest
Müller, Marion
Zillien, Nicole
Quantified Self. An Empirical Investigation of Reflexive Self-Scientification
Zillien, Nicole
Situative Vergemeinschaftung mittels religiöser Hybridevents: Die Teilnehmerperspektive
Gebhardt, Winfried
The invisible religion inside the visible religion. Forms of spiritual orientation in religious everyday life of protestant and catholic christians in Franconia.
Bochinger, Christoph
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Wissenschaftsvermittlung in Internetforen zur Reproduktionsmedizin
Zillien, Nicole
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
A Companion to Social Memory Studies
Dimbath, Oliver