Universität Paderborn
Heinz Nixdorf Institut
Fachgruppe Schaltungstechnik
Warburger Straße 100
33098 Paderborn
This institution in GERiT
33098 Paderborn
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Scheytt, Christoph
MLL-based Integrated THz Frequency Synthesizers Phase 2 (MINTS)
Schell, Martin
Scheytt, Christoph
SPP 2111: Electronic-Photonic Integrated Systems for Ultrafast Signal Processing
Scheytt, Christoph
Completed projects
PONyDAC II (Precise Optical Nyquist Pulse Synthesizer DAC)
Scheytt, Christoph
Schneider, Thomas
Real100G.com: Mixed Mode Baseband for 100 Gbps Wireless Communication
Kallfass, Ingmar
Kraemer, Rolf
Scheytt, Christoph
Ultra-Wideband Photonically Assisted Analog-to-Digital Converters (PACE) - Phase 2
Koos, Christian
Kärtner, Franz Xaver
Scheytt, Christoph
Witzens, Jeremy
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Messplatz für integrierte Elektonisch-Photonische Schaltungen
On-Wafer-Messplatz für Breitband- und Höchstfrequenzschaltungen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Optoelectronic Frequency Synthesizer with Femtosecond Diode Laser (oFFeDi)
Hofmann, Martin
Scheytt, Christoph
Research Units
Current projects
B2 - Traceable Terahertz Transceivers
Kallfass, Ingmar
Scheytt, Christoph
Schneider, Thomas
C3 Scalable THz Transceiver Impairment Model
Kallfass, Ingmar
Scheytt, Christoph
Schneider, Thomas
FOR 2863: Metrology for THz Communications
Kürner, Thomas
Completed projects
Active THz Transceiver Components
Kallfass, Ingmar
Scheytt, Christoph
Schneider, Thomas
Ultrawideband Sampling
Scheytt, Christoph
Schneider, Thomas
Current projects
Compact high performance photon pair source using ultrafast hybrid modulators based on CMOS and LNOI
(Project Heads
Scheytt, Christoph
Silberhorn, Christine
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Current projects
Photonic Quantum Systems Network