Project Details
ZB MED - Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften
- Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
SeDOA - Service Centre for Diamond Open Access(Applicants Apel, Jochen ; Arning, Ursula ; Burschel, Peter ; Christof, Jürgen ; Kaiser, Michael ; Mischke, Dennis ; Pieper, Dirk ; Riesenweber, Christina ; Schubotz, Moritz ; Strötgen, Robert ; Stäcker, Thomas ; Tochtermann, Klaus ; Wrzesinski, Marcel ; Wuttke, Ulrike ; Zepf, Robert )
Completed projects
Current projects
- Acquisition and Provision
- Research data and software
- Research Grants
- NFDI-Basic Services
- Cooperation and Networking
- NFDI technical and methodological consortia