Technische Universität Dortmund
August-Schmidt-Straße 4
44227 Dortmund
44227 Dortmund
Research Units
Completed projects
Intensity Correlation Spectroscopy with ps-time resolution
Bayer, Manfred
Research Grants
Completed projects
Collective effects in the emission from semiconductor microcavities
Aßmann, Marc Alexander
Dynamik optischer und elektronischer Anregungen und nichtlineare optische Effekte in Halbleitermikroresonatoren mit dreidimensionalem Einschluß
Bayer, Manfred
High Resolution Spectroscopy of Rydberg Excitons in External Fields
Aßmann, Marc Alexander
Höchstaufgelöste Spektroskopie an dichten Exziton- und Polaritonphasen in optischen Fallen und Gittern
Bayer, Manfred
MoWSe_Spin and pseudospin properties of energetically controllable dark and bright excitons in tailored Mo1-xWxSe2 alloys
Debus, Jörg
Nichtlineare optische Spektroskopie zur Untersuchung der magnetischen Eigenschaften von Halbleitern
Yakovlev, Ph.D., Dmitri
Surface plasmon polaritons in magnetic-dielectric hybrid nanostructures
Akimov, Ilya
Ultrafast piezospectroscopy for controlling electronic excitations in semiconductor nanostructures
Bayer, Manfred
Untersuchung der Elektron-Phonon Kopplung in Quantenpunkten durch Zweifarben-Pump-Probe-Spektroskopie
Bayer, Manfred
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Kohärente Spektroskopie an InGaAs(GaAs Quantendraht- und Quantenfilmstrukturen
Forchel, Alfred
Non-linear optical spectroscopy for studying carrier spins in quantum dots
Bayer, Manfred
Rydberg Exciton Interaction Dynamics
Aßmann, Marc Alexander
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
Terahertz Acousto-Optics: From Nano-to Picotechnology
Bayer, Manfred
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Aufdampfanlage zur Herstellung von Beschichtungen mit Dicken im Nanometerbereich
He3-He4 dilution refrigerator for temperatures below 0.3 K down to <50 mK with optical access and installed magnet coil
Titan-Saphir Lasersystem (UV-NIR)
Current projects
Nonlinear quantum process tomography and photonics of microcavity polaritons
(Project Heads
Aßmann, Marc Alexander
Bayer, Manfred
Schumacher, Stefan
Tailored ultrafast acoustics for light emission modulation
(Project Heads
As, Donat Josef
Bayer, Manfred
Reuter, Dirk
Scherbakov, Ph.D., Alexey
Completed projects
Basic problems of spin-noise signal formation
(Project Heads
Bayer, Manfred
Glazov, Mikhail
Greilich, Alex
Zapasskii, Valerii
Central administrative project
(Project Head
Bayer, Manfred
Coherent manipulation of complex spin ensembles in semiconductor nanostructures
(Project Heads
Bayer, Manfred
Yugova, Irina
Engineered ffrequency conversion devices
(Project Heads
Bayer, Manfred
Silberhorn, Christine
Interacting Rydberg excitons in modulated potential landscapes
(Project Heads
Aßmann, Marc Alexander
Bayer, Manfred
Glazov, Mikhail
Ignatiev, Ivan V.
Semina, Marina A.
Sample supply by external partners
(Project Head
Bayer, Manfred
TRR 160: Coherent manipulation of interacting spin excitations in tailored semiconductors
Bayer, Manfred
Ultrafast acoustics for magnetization modulation
(Project Heads
Bayer, Manfred
Ivchenko, Eugeniius
Scherbakov, Ph.D., Alexey
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Open Access Publication Funding / 2025-2027 / Technische Universität Dortmund
Bayer, Manfred