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National Science Foundation (NSF)
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria VA 22314
Alexandria VA 22314
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ocean Drilling Program
Ocean Drilling Program
Research Grants
Current projects
Aquaponics optimization in a local climatic, economic and cultural context: maximizing the benefits of a circular bioeconomy for food production
Körner, Oliver
Aqueous Electrolytes in Nanoporous Media: Structure, Dynamics and Electrochemo-Mechanical Actuation
Fröba, Michael
Huber, Patrick
Biology and mechanism of an ancestral opsin function
Göpfert, Martin
Climate-resilient crops with improved phosphorus efficiency through beneficial fungal interactions
Ried, Martina
Schaaf, Gabriel
Wissuwa, Ph.D., Matthias
Yu, Peng
Co-Creating Sustainable Transformations of Food Supply Chains through Cooperative Business Models and Governance
Parodi, Oliver
Wiek, Arnim
Cytochrome c oxidase adaptation to hypoxia in systemic vascular cells - From structure to function
Sommer, Ph.D., Natascha
Developing crops that have stable immunity to evolving pathogens in a changing climate
Lahaye, Thomas
Engineering gene regulation in plants to yield predictable expression
Jores, Tobias
FloResEng - Engineering endogenous oxygen sensing for improved flood resilience in cereals
Schippers, Jozefus Hendrikus Maria
Schmidt-Schippers, Romy
Future proofing plants through enhancement of yield stability in water-limited environments
Schneider, Hannah
Influence of early life growth-signaling on adult life trajectories of hematopoietic stem cells
Rudolph, Karl Lenhard
JUST GROW: Co-designing justice-centric indicators and governance principles to intensify urban agriculture sustainably and equitably
Specht, Kathrin
Lithium ion transport in self-assembled zwitterionic nanochannels containing ionic liquids
Schönhoff, Monika
NSF-DFG: Additive manufacturing of metallic programmable metamaterials with superior fatigue properties
Eberl, Christoph
NSF-DFG: Advances in ion-surface interaction-driven manufacturing of one-dimensional metal oxide heterostructures
Frost, Frank
NSF-DFG Confine: MolPEC -- Molecular theory of weak polyelectrolytes in confined space
Müller, Marcus
NSF-DFG Confine: Plasma-Catalysis in Confined Spaces for Cold Start NOx Abatement in Automotive Exhaust
Brandenburg, Ronny
Horn, Raimund
NSF-DFG Confine: Sculpting Confined Fluids for Transport using Self-Organization and Information Transfer
Blasco, Ph.D., Eva
Walther, Andreas
NSF-DFG Echem: Design of Nanostructured Noble - Metal Chalcogenide Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Krasheninnikov, Arkady
Özaslan, Mehtap
NSF-DFG Echem: Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Amides and Esters
Siewert, Inke
NSF-DFG Echem: Electrochemically enhanced low-temperature catalytic ammonia synthesis
Deutschmann, Olaf
NSF-DFG Echem: Electrochemical pyrrolidone synthesis: an integrated experimental and theoretical investigation of the electrochemical amination of levulinic acid (ElectroPyr)
Palkovits, Regina
NSF-DFG Echem:Elucidating Surface Structure Contribution of Facets, Steps and Kinks in Electrocatalysis of the Oxygen Evolution and Reduction Reactions
Harms, Corinna
Wark, Michael
NSF-DFG Echem: Mechanistic interrogation of electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution by an artificial hydrogenase
Hess, Corinna
Rüdiger, Olaf
NSF-DFG Echem: Spin-polarized electron currents for spin-selective electrocatalysis
Zacharias, Helmut
NSF-DFG Echem: Strategies to Overcome Contemporary Limitations of Reductive Electrosynthetic Conversions in Aqueous Media
Waldvogel, Siegfried R.
NSF-DFG MISSION: Comprehensive Operando Analysis of Electrolyte-Solid Interface Dynamics for Enhanced Electrocatalytic CO2 Conversion
Chee, See Wee
NSF-DFG MISSION: Heterogeneous Nanoparticle Dynamics at Chromatographic Interfaces
Cichos, Frank
NSF-DFG MISSION: INCUBATOR - Exploring the Interfacial Chemistry in Sulfide-Based Solid-State Batteries by Soft and Hard X-ray Spectroscopies Under Operating Conditions
Adelhelm, Philipp
Bär, Marcus
Kataev, Ph.D., Elmar
Mazzio, Ph.D., Katherine
NSF-DFG MISSION: In-situ Analysis of Li transport through solid state interfacial systems by neutron reflectometry measurements
Hüger, Erwin
NSF-DFG MISSION: Operando surface X-ray scattering studies of quasi-epitaxial growth and electrocatalysis at liquid gallium electrodes
Magnussen, Olaf
NSF-DFG MISSION: Unraveling Structures and Dynamics of Plasmonic Catalysts by In-Situ X-ray and Electron-Based Probing
Koch, Christoph Tobias
van der Veen, Renske
NSF-DFG: Multiscale Data-Physics Models for the Critical Role of Interfaces in Overmolded Thermoplastic Parts
Hopmann, Christian
Simon, Jaan-Willem
NSF-DFG: Nonequilibrium thermal processing of nanoparticles: Laser melting and fragmentation in liquid
Barcikowski, Stephan
NSF-DFG: Solvent-free manUfacturing of PERovskite LArge-Scale ElectRonics - SUPER LASER
Vaynzof, Yana
NSF-DFG: Understanding Rough-Surface Humid Adhesion to Unlock Next-Generation Semiconductor Manufacturing
Pastewka, Lars
On the Cohomology of complements of complex reflection arrangements
Röhrle, Gerhard
Reacting precursor/solvent microdroplets in confined 2-D microflows for tailored nanomaterials synthesis
Mädler, Lutz
Reprogramming plant responses to nitrate
Zurbriggen, Matias Daniel
Structural and functional characterization of NOSIP, an unusual cargo of the nuclear import receptor transportin
Kehlenbach, Ralph
Supramolecular organization of the antigen processing machinery in the ER membrane
Tampé, Robert
The role of ARL13B in controlling ciliary cAMP signaling
Mick, David
Wachten, Dagmar
The role of supermarkets as key agents in systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
Altenburg, Tilman
Liedtke, Christa
The role of the microbiome in providing resilience to multi-stress environments
Rolletschek, Hardy
Szymanski, Jedrzej
Completed projects
BARN_BARley yield associated Network
Muehlbauer, Gary J.
Stein, Nils
Waugh, Robbie
C4BREED_Designing C4 breeding strategies using genetic enablers of C4 evolution
Hibberd, Julian M.
Stich, Benjamin
Voytas, Ph.D., Daniel
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Conquering MPSoC Complexity with Principles of a Self-Aware Information Processing Factory - Towards Networked and Data-centric Platforms (IPF 2.0)
Ernst, Rolf
Herkersdorf, Andreas
DFG-NSF: Demonstration of position and speed measurements in the quantum non-demolition regime towards a new gravitational-wave detector topology
Schnabel, Roman
DFG-NSF: investigations on physical implications of canonical quantum gravity
Giesel, Kristina
DFG-NSF: Novel Low Loss Coatings – Enabling the Third Generation of Gravitational-Wave Detectors
Schnabel, Roman
DFG-NSF: Observational Tests of Covariant Emergent Gravity
Hossenfelder, Sabine
Flux4LIVES_Thylakoid ion flux-Linking photosynthetic efficiency with osmotic stress response
Armbruster, Ute
Kramer, Ph.D., David Mark
Kunz, Hans-Henning
Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethno-ecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA
Epp, Laura
FutureWeb - Climate and land use change threat to the vertebrate European food web structure and functioning
Brose, Ulrich
Genes2Shape_From genes to shape: Towards development of a computable flower
Jönsson, Ph.D., Henrik
Meyerowitz, Ph.D., Elliot
Sampathkumar, Ph.D., Arun
Traas, Ph.D., Jan
Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star and Black Hole Mergers
Brügmann, Bernd
Land to Sea: integrated modelling of consequences of terrestrial activities and climate change for freshwater and coastal marine biodiversity and ecosystem services
Hering, Daniel
Kannen, Andreas
MEIOREC_Meiotic Recombination in Plants: controlling the transition of DNA double-strand breaks to genetic crossovers
Grelon, Mathilde
Heckmann, Stefan
Mechtler, Karl
Pawlowski, Wojciech
Puchta, Holger
Sanchez-Moran, Eugenio
Schlögelhofer, Peter
Science of Design for Societal-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems
Damm, Werner
Fränzle, Martin
Köster, Frank
Lehnhoff, Sebastian
Lüdtke, Andreas
Pretschner, Alexander
Rieger, Jochem
SICOPID_Activation and regulation of plasma membrane receptor signaling complexes controlling plant development and immunity, and their connection to downstream signaling cascades
Hothorn, Ph.D., Michael
Jaillais, Ph.D., Yvon
Nimchuk, Zachary
Nürnberger, Thorsten
Zipfel, Cyril
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) Modeling of Grinding the SiC-SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite
Bergs, Thomas
The futures of reef services in the Anthropocene
Bejarano, Sonia
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Cooperative and Topology Control for Tightly Coupled Large-Scale Wireless Networked Autonomous Agents
Frey, Hannes
Werner, Herbert
Event-based Wireless Control for Cyber-physical Systems
Trimpe, Sebastian
Zimmerling, Marco
REDeFiNE -- REflex-based Distributed Frequency control for power NEtworks
Monti, Antonello
Wehrle, Klaus
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