Japan Science and Technology Agency
5-3, Yonbancho Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-8666
Tokyo 102-8666
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Advanced Computation and I/O Methods for Earth-System Simulations (AIMES)
Ludwig, Thomas
ESSEX II: Equipping Sparse Solvers for Exascale II
Basermann, Achim
Fehske, Holger
Hager, Georg
Lang, Bruno
Wellein, Gerhard
ExaFSA - Exascale Simulation of Fluid-Structure-Acoustics Interactions
Roller, Sabine
Schulte, Miriam
Sternel, Dörte C.
van Zuijlen, Alexander
EXAMAG - Exascale simulations of the magnetic universe
Klingenberg, Ph.D., Christian
Springel, Volker
ExaSolvers - Extreme scale solvers for coupled systems
Grasedyck, Lars
Resch, Ph.D., Michael M.
Schulz, Volker
Wittum, Gabriel
ExaStencils - Advanced Stencil-Code Engineering
Apel, Sven
Bolten, Matthias
Lengauer, Ph.D., Christian
Rüde, Ulrich
Teich, Jürgen
MYX: MUST correctness checking for YML and XMP programs
Müller, Matthias S.
SPP 1648: Software for Exascale Computing
Bungartz, Hans-Joachim
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Research Grants
Current projects
AI empowered general purpose assistive robotiC system for dexterous object manipulation tHrough embodIed teleopeRation and shared cONtrol
Peters, Ph.D., Jan Reinhard
AI for Aging Societies: From Basic Concepts to Practical Tools for AIFacilitated Cognitive Training
Ball, Tonio
Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction
Beetz, Ph.D., Michael
Conceptualizing, implementing and measuring the Circular Economy from the micro to the macro level
Helbig, Christoph
Loibl, Antonia
Diamond spin qubits for quantum applications
Becher, Christoph
Budker, Ph.D., Dmitry
Jelezko, Fedor
Krüger, Anke
Wrachtrup, Jörg
JUST GROW: Co-designing justice-centric indicators and governance principles to intensify urban agriculture sustainably and equitably
Specht, Kathrin
Knowledge-enhanced information extraction across languages for pharmacovigilance
Möller, Sebastian
learning Cyclotron
Dengel, Andreas
Kuhn, Jochen
Quantum computing with neutral atoms
Groß, Christian
Jaksch, Dieter
Lesanovsky, Igor
Pfau, Tilman
Zeiher, Johannes
Research on Realtime Compliance Mechanism for AI
Paschke, Adrian
Understanding and Creating Dynamic 3D Worlds towards Safer AI
Rother, Carsten
user adaPtive Artificial iNtelligence fOR humAn coMputer interAction
André, Elisabeth
Completed projects
EnhanceD Data stream Analysis: combining the signature method and machine learning algorithms
Diehl, Joscha
Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society