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Universität Münster
Institut für Psychologie
Arbeitseinheit Statistik und Methoden
Fliednerstraße 21
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Age Differences in the Context-Sensitivity of Emotion Regulation Strategies.
Gerstorf, Denis
Kunzmann, Ute
Nestler, Steffen
Estimation of triadic social relations model data using Likelihood- and Bayesian methods
Nestler, Steffen
Optimal designs for Thurstonian IRT models
Grossmann, Heiko
Holling, Heinz
Schwabe, Rainer
Completed projects
Effiziente Versuchsplanung in der Conjoint Analyse
Holling, Heinz
Ich wusste schon immer, dass du so faul bist - Untersuchungen zum Rückschaufehler bei Persönlichkeitsurteilen
Nestler, Steffen
Measuring Divergent Thinking in Youth and the impact of culture
Holling, Heinz
Meta-analysis of the validity of binary diagnoses based on dichotomized cirteria
Holling, Heinz
Narzissmus und Popularität im Längsschnitt: Eine sozial-interaktive Perspektive
Back, Mitja
Neuronal interaction between spatial- and feature-based attention in visual object processing
Müller, Matthias M.
Optimal design for online generated intelligence tests
Holling, Heinz
Schwabe, Rainer
Reception and production of scientific information in Wikipedia: The influence of hindsight bias
Nestler, Steffen
Oeberst, Aileen
Schätzung komplexer Social Relations Model-Daten mittels Likelihood- und Bayes-Methoden
Lüdtke, Oliver
Nestler, Steffen
Statistical Methods of Meta-Analysis for Count Data with Rare Events
Holling, Heinz
Understanding and enhancing the accuracy of self- and meta-judgments of personality: An integrative lens model approach
Back, Mitja
Zwangsläufigkeit, Vorhersehbarkeit und Erinnerungsverzerrungen - Experimentelle induzierte Dissoziationen zwischen den Rückschaufehlerkomponenten
Nestler, Steffen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Reception and production of scientific information in Wikipedia: The influence of hindsight bias and social categorization
Nestler, Steffen
Oeberst, Aileen
Rule-based Item Generation of Algebra Word Problems Based upon Linear Logistic Test Models für Item Cloning and Optimal Design
Holling, Heinz
van der Linden, Wim J.
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