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Leibniz-Institut für Arbeitsforschung an der TU Dortmund (IfADo)
Forschungsbereich ambulante Patientenversorgung und translationale Wissenschaft
Ardeystraße 67
44139 Dortmund
This institution in GERiT
44139 Dortmund
Research Grants
Current projects
Progression of chronic liver disease: Defining the contributions of hepatocytic JNK expression and gut microbiota
Trautwein, Christian
Completed projects
Molekulare Analyse zur Rolle von Cyclin E für den G0/S-Phase Zellzyklusübergang und die maligne Transformation der Hepatozyten
Liedtke, Christian
Rolle TNF alpha und Fas-abhängiger Signalwege für die Leber
Trautwein, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A physiologically-based model of bile acid metabolism
(Project Heads
Blank, Ph.D., Lars
Neumann, Ulf P.
Trautwein, Christian
Bedeutung IL6/gpl30-abhängiger Signalkaskaden für die Leber
(Project Head
Trautwein, Christian
Functional impact of risk factors for disease progression within the gut-liver axis
(Project Heads
Candels, Lena
Trautwein, Christian
Lebertransplantation bei viraler Hepatitis: Ätiologie, Pathogenese, Prognose und Prophylaxe der Reinfektion
(Project Heads
Manns, Michael Peter
Tillmann, Hans-Ludger
Trautwein, Christian
Multi-functional microgels targeted towards inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
(Project Heads
Elling, Lothar
Kühne, Alexander
Sellge, Gernot
Strnad, Pavel
Trautwein, Christian
Role of gp130-dependent signalling in hepatocytes for the regulation of immune responses in local and systemic models of inflammation
(Project Head
Trautwein, Christian
The Role of TNF and Fas-mediated signalling in models of inflammatory liver injury
(Project Heads
Liedtke, Christian
Trautwein, Christian
Completed projects
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Trautwein, Christian
Inflammasome activation during cholestatic liver injury: A trigger of fibrosis progression
(Project Heads
Trautwein, Christian
Wree, Alexander
Inflammatory and cell-death-related pathways in liver fibrosis: Cell-type specific approaches to novel therapies
(Project Heads
Lüdde, Ph.D., Tom
Trautwein, Christian
Treatment of liver fibrosis through inhibition of the Cyclin E1/Cdk2 kinase complex
(Project Heads
Liedtke, Christian
Nevzorova, Ph.D., Yulia
Trautwein, Christian
TRR 57: Organ Fibrosis: From Mechanisms of Injury to Modulation of Disease
Trautwein, Christian
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2375: Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery
Kiessling, Fabian
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1508: Arterial Remodelling
Bernhagen, Jürgen
Additional Information
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