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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Manufacturing Technology Institute (MTI)
Campus-Boulevard 30
52074 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52074 Aachen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Derivation of cause-effect relationships for die design on the basis of data-driven process modeling for fine blanking
Bergs, Thomas
Kröger, Peer
Trimpe, Sebastian
Development of a Greybox model for wear prognosis of PVD coated carbide tools during high performance turning of steels
Bergs, Thomas
Bobzin, Kirsten
Greybox models for in-situ quantification of probabilistic tool life of CVD coated cemented carbide gear hobs
Broeckmann, Christoph
Davidovic, Mareike
Simulation of the pulsed electrochemical machining (PECM) of thin-walled workpieces for turbomachinery component manufacturing – SIMPECT
Klink, Andreas
Schröder, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Dry forming of low alloy steels by direct impact extrusion using a self-lubricating tool coating and structured workpieces
Bergs, Thomas
Bobzin, Kirsten
Enlargement of the forming limits of metal spinning by laser-assistance
Bergs, Thomas
Model-based control of surface integrity in hard turning
Bergs, Thomas
Münstermann, Sebastian
Multi-scale modeling of the thermal workpiece load in the turning process considering the cutting fluid
Bergs, Thomas
Kneer, Reinhold
Research Grants
Current projects
Adaptable tool monitoring systems for turning processes based on inprocess cutting force sensors
Bergs, Thomas
Drossel, Welf-Guntram
Analysis of function-oriented surfaces of injection moulding cavities manufactured by electrical discharge machining
Bergs, Thomas
Hopmann, Christian
Analysis of Thermal Loads in Generating Gear Grinding for Residual Stress Prediction
Bergs, Thomas
Analysis of wear mechanisms in grinding of polycrystalline diamond with vitrified bonded grinding wheels based on a friction model
Bergs, Thomas
Analysis of wire breakages in wire electrical discharge machining using electrical signal analysis and high-speed camera analysis
Bergs, Thomas
Characterization of component damage due to short circuits during electrochemical machining (Chara-Kass)
Klink, Andreas
Data-driven identification and explanation of process changes due to batch fluctuations on the workpiece and tool side during surface grinding
Bergs, Thomas
Data-driven technology development in wire EDM (Data-WEDM)
Bergs, Thomas
Development and investigation of an indirect dynamic force measurement system based on voltage and current signals for cutting technology
Bergs, Thomas
Development and validation of a generic temperature model for milling tools
Bergs, Thomas
Development of a methodology for the evaluation of demand-oriented flexible manufacturing process sequences for variant-rich series production
Bergs, Thomas
Development of Binder Jetting for highly stressed drive components by sintering according to requirements
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Electrochemical wire cutting with axial high-pressure flushing and internally flushed tube tools
Bergs, Thomas
Experimental and model-based analysis of machining-induced residual stresses and part distortion when turning Inconel 718
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Explanatory model for knowledge-based process design in unguided vibratory finishing of WC-Co cemented carbide
Bergs, Thomas
Fundamental study of the electrical and acoustic characterization of different types of single discharges in wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM)
Bergs, Thomas
hodology for the adaptive design of economically optimized process sequences in the case of short-term disruptions in the manufacturing process
Bergs, Thomas
Investigation of the formation mechanisms of micro lead during external cylindrical plunge grinding of sealing counterfaces
Bauer, Frank
Bergs, Thomas
Load and function-oriented tool design for finish turning of rotationally symmetrical components made out of the nickel-based alloy Inconel 718
Bergs, Thomas
Material removal behavior during grinding of tungsten carbide cemented carbides with multiphase alternative binder materials
Bergs, Thomas
Measurement and modeling of geometric accuracy when broaching profile grooves
Bergs, Thomas
Mechanism-driven fine blanking of high manganese steel for target-oriented setting of material and sheared part properties (Fine blanking induced plasticity)
Bergs, Thomas
Krupp, Ulrich
Methodology for Generation of Cross-Process Modells (IKTINO II)
Bergs, Thomas
Modeling of the behavior of elastically bonded tools in gear honing
Bergs, Thomas
Modelling of the impact of the thermo-mechanical load collective on the rim zone microstructure when cutting TiAl6V4
Bergs, Thomas
Model predictive force control for multi-axis rough milling
Bergs, Thomas
Stemmler, Sebastian
Mold materials with adjustable coefficient of thermal expansion for precision glass molding
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Performance optimization of spur gears by machine hammered tooth surfaces (OptiGear2)
Bergs, Thomas
Quantitative description of the material condition during profile grinding of transformable steels
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Researching an adaptive system for tool wear monitoring based on artificial intelligence
Bergs, Thomas
Wear protection in rolling bearings by preconditioning of the workpiece surfaces in manufacturing
Bergs, Thomas
Jacobs, Georg
Completed projects
Analysis of discharge-dependent surface integrity of cemented carbide forming dies machined by sinking EDM and its influence on the tribological characteristics and the resulting fatigue behavior
Bergs, Thomas
Analysis of material removal mechanisms in grinding of super hard cutting materials regarding polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN)
Bergs, Thomas
Blanking of fibre reinforced plastics. Manufacturing technology and numerical modelling
Bergs, Thomas
Reese, Stefanie
Characterization and simulation of the fracture behavior of CBN grain types as a function of crystal structure, grain orientation and dressing parameters
Bergs, Thomas
Compensation of Shape and Dimensional Deviations Due to Thermo-Elastic Deformation During Dry Machining
Bergs, Thomas
Cost-optimized planning of changes in manufacturing of safety-critical components through systematic manufacturing change management
Bergs, Thomas
Design model for the knowledge-based adjustment of the edge zone and surface properties of additive-manufactured components for guided centrifugal finishing
Bergs, Thomas
Development and industrial application of a model for tool life prediction for multi-flank chip formation by means of bevel gear plunging processes
Bergs, Thomas
Development and verification of a constitutive approach for the determination of high-strain-rate flow curves by means of the cutting process
Bergs, Thomas
Development of a 3D multiphysics model to analyse the thermo-mechanical effect of coolants in metal cutting
Bergs, Thomas
Development of a Cutting Force Model for the Optimization of the Process Design of Bevel Gear Grinding
Bergs, Thomas
Development of a friction model characterizing the temperature-, relative velocity-, and contact normal stress-dependent behaviors at glass-mold interface in Precision Glass Molding (FriPGM)
Bergs, Thomas
Development of a kinematic model for the prediction of the relative speed between chips and work piece in unguided vibratory finishing process
Bergs, Thomas
Development of a model to predict the machining forces in the rolling process of powder metallurgical parts using the example of gears
Bergs, Thomas
Fine blanking of carbon fibre reinforced plastics (fine blanking CFRP)
Bergs, Thomas
Fundamental material based investigations to understand electric discharge machinability of electrically conductive ceramics with oxide matrix
Bergs, Thomas
Kern, Frank
Fundamental research on a double beam laser process for metals
Bergs, Thomas
Grain refinement in the surface layer of metallic materials by means of machine hammer peening (FinePeening)
Bergs, Thomas
Identification of the mechanisms of action of the tribological behaviour of structured semi-finished product surfaces during full forward extrusion of aluminum alloys with regard to friction and wear reduction (TriboLub)
Bergs, Thomas
Influence of the grinding wheel topography on the formation of the thermo-mechanical stress collective in the grinding process
Bergs, Thomas
Integration of technology and inspection planning for cost-optimized production processes of medical devices
Bergs, Thomas
Schmitt, Robert Heinrich
Interdisciplinary design of components with complex functional surfaces under consideration of manufacturing boundary conditions
Bergs, Thomas
Jeschke, Peter
Investigation of the cutting mechanisms during ultrasonic assisted machining of fibre reinforced non-oxide ceramics with geometrically defined cutting edge (CMCs)
Bergs, Thomas
Investigation of the interactions of incremental surface layer forming and HPPMS coating on fine blanking dies in order to enable a load-applied surface integrity adjustment (TEStOI)
Bergs, Thomas
Bobzin, Kirsten
Investigation of the thermomechanical interactions in the shear zone during the fine blanking of heated high strength sheet materials (HotFib)
Bergs, Thomas
Machine hammer peening of laser deposition welded IN718 components (MalIn)
Bergs, Thomas
Material removal mechanisms in grinding of fiber-reinforced non-oxide ceramics
Bergs, Thomas
Methodology for generating cross-technology metamodels (IKTINO)
Bergs, Thomas
Methodology for the highly iterative design of production process sequences
Bergs, Thomas
Microstructure-sensitive fatigue lifetime assessment considering forming history effects
Bergs, Thomas
Münstermann, Sebastian
Modelling of grinding worm profile wear at generating gear grinding
Bergs, Thomas
Numerical modeling of the thermo-mechanical contact in grinding
Bergs, Thomas
Process Machine Interaction In Gear Honing
Bergs, Thomas
Brecher, Christian
Product lifecycle-oriented optimization of the manufacturing phase and the use phase of precision tools
Bergs, Thomas
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) Modeling of Grinding the SiC-SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite
Bergs, Thomas
Technology development for the efficient production of glass exterior and interior components for automotive futures
Kneer, Reinhold
Reese, Stefanie
Theory of chip formation in grinding of biphasic brittle materials using the example of WC-Co carbide
Bergs, Thomas
Theory of chip formation in grinding of fiber reinforced ceramics with porous matrix
Bergs, Thomas
Tribological Performance of Rolling Contacts Produced by EDM
Bergs, Thomas
Uniaxial hydroforming of cold forged cups on single action presses
Bergs, Thomas
Untersuchungen zum Kurzzeit-Flüssigphasensintern von Wolframkarbid mit Kobald-Bindephasen durch Laserstrahlung
Bergs, Thomas
Wear analysis of glassy carbon in the fused silica molding process depending on the surface quality of the glassy carbon
Bergs, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Horizontal 5-axis machining centre
Current projects
Simulation-based optimization of the milling process by regulating the tool temperature - knowledge transfer project
(Project Heads
Bergs, Thomas
Kneer, Reinhold
Completed projects
Damage influence in deep drawing and stretch forming
(Project Heads
Bergs, Thomas
Klocke, Fritz
Mattfeld, Patrick
Functionality-based technology development in wire electrical discharge machining
(Project Head
Klink, Andreas
Manufacturing processes with chemical main impact
(Project Heads
Klink, Andreas
Klocke, Fritz
Model and method for the determination and distribution of converted energies in grinding processes
(Project Heads
Bergs, Thomas
Klocke, Fritz
Mattfeld, Patrick
Wegner, Hagen
Model and method for the determination and distribution of converted energies in milling processes
(Project Heads
Bergs, Thomas
Klocke, Fritz
Mattfeld, Patrick
Veselovac, Drazen
Processes with thermal main impact
(Project Heads
Klink, Andreas
Klocke, Fritz
Additional Information
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