Universität Konstanz
Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behavior
Universitätsstraße 10
78464 Konstanz
This institution in GERiT
78464 Konstanz
WBP Position
Current projects
The how and why of active sensing in animal collectives
Beleyur, Thejasvi Ravindra
Research Grants
Current projects
Decision-making on the move
Gorbonos, Ph.D., Dan
Social information use by a flock of pigeons in the context of vigilance and foraging as examined using a cutting-edge fine-scale behavior tracking system
Kano, Fumihiro
Completed projects
Fitness benefits of group foraging in closed societies
Dechmann, Dina
Understanding Executive Function and Dysfunction in Schizophrenia through Cortical Oscillatory Dynamics
Rockstroh, Brigitte
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Understanding togetherness: Unravelling the evolutionary, developmental, and cultural foundation of human interaction
Heesen, Ph.D., Raphaela
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2117: Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour
Couzin, Ph.D., Iain
Deussen, Oliver
Fischbacher, Urs
Gaissmaier, Wolfgang
Renner, Britta