Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Soziologie
Arbeitsbereich Politische Soziologie
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 2
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Completed projects
The Socialization of Dementia: How welfare state politics and cultural change impact living with dementia in community-based care arrangements
Laufenberg, Mike
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2983: Freiwilligkeit
Martschukat, Jürgen
The Backstage of Voluntariness: Work and Social Reproduction and the Tension be-tween Necessity and Privilege
van Dyk, Silke
Graefe, Stefanie
Current projects
Central Task
(Project Head
van Dyk, Silke
Concepts, Categories and Theories: Core project for conceptual integration, societal comparison and the securing of research results
(Project Heads
van Dyk, Silke
Reitz, Tilman
Rosa, Hartmut
The Dynamics of the Reproductive Economy: Forms of Appropriation in Global Fertility Chains
(Project Heads
Graefe, Stefanie
Lettow, Susanne
TRR 294: Strukturwandel des Eigentums
van Dyk, Silke
Rosa, Hartmut
Who Owns the Foundation? Infrastructure Orders and the Renegotiation of the Public Sphere
(Project Head
van Dyk, Silke
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
"Productive Ageing", East and West: Images and practices of ageing in the post-1989 transformation of the German welfare state
(Project Heads
van Dyk, Silke
Lessenich, Stephan
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Altern als Selbstverwirklichung. Freiheiten und Zwänge später Lebensphasen im Schnittfeld von Neurowisenschaften, Vorsorge-, Bildungs- und Altersdiskurs
Moos, Thorsten