Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim
European Center for Angioscience (ECAS)
Vaskuläre Biologie und Tumorangiogenese
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
68167 Mannheim
This institution in GERiT
68167 Mannheim
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Functional Analysis of Endothelial Cells during Angiogenesis
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Funds for Coordinating activities
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Molecular analysis of tumor-vessel interactions during tumor progression
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Molecular characterization and function of novel structures in the karyoplasm
Franke, Werner Wilhelm
SPP 1069: Angiogenese: Molekulare Mechanismen und funktionelle Interaktionen
Augustin, Hellmut G.
SPP 1190: The Tumour-Vessel Interface
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Research Grants
Current projects
Functional interplay of reactive metabolites in diabetic organ damage in zebrafish
Kroll, Jens
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung der Plakophiline 1 und 3 bei der Entstehung und Progression des Prostatakarzinoms
Hofmann, Ilse
Ströbel, Philipp
Die Funktion des BTB-kelch Proteins KLEIP in der Entwicklung des vaskulären Systems
Kroll, Jens
Interfaces and Interventions in Complex Chronic Conditions
Ebert, Matthias
Molekulare Analyse der Funktion von Angiopoietin-2 für Endothelzelldifferenzierung und Angiogenese
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Molekulare Analyse tumorangiogener Endothelzellen
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Untersuchungen zur Funktion der Angiopoietine während der Ovarangiogenese
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Zellbiologische Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der Präeklampsie
Krauß, Thomas
Zelluläre und funktionelle Analyse der BTB-kelch Proteine KelchX, KBTBD2 und KLHL7 im vaskulären System und während der Tumorentwicklung
Kroll, Jens
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Zeitliche und räumliche Analyse der Endothel-spezifischen Signaltransduktion in der Maus
Kroll, Jens
Completed projects
Biomechanische und parakrine molekulare Mechanismen der arteriovenösen Differnezierung von Dendothelzellen
(Project Heads
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Morawietz, Henning
Central tasks
(Project Head
Augustin, Hellmut G.
HCC and the hepatic vascular niche: Analysis of angiocrine and adhesive vascular targets
(Project Heads
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Goerdt, Sergij
Role of the Angiopoietin/Tie system in controlling vascular morphogenesis and homeostasis
(Project Head
Augustin, Hellmut G.
The zebrafish as a model organism to study vascular differentiation and remodelling
(Project Head
Kroll, Jens
TRR 23: Vascular Differentiation and Remodelling
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Plate, Karlheinz
Tumor-Specific Vascular Reprogramming in HCC: Mechnisms and Therapeutic Targets
(Project Heads
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Goerdt, Sergij
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central coordination of the CRC 1366
(Project Head
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Deciphering epigenetic regulation of angiogenic endothelial cells in health and disease
(Project Heads
Plass, Christoph
Schlereth, Katharina
Mechanisms of vascular Wnt signaling during liver homeostasis and tumorigenesis
(Project Head
Augustin, Hellmut G.
SFB 1366: Vascular Control of Organ Function
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Vascular reprogramming during tumor progression and homeostatic challenge
(Project Head
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Completed projects
Endothelial cell fate and angiocrine control of stem cell function
(Project Head
Augustin, Hellmut G.
Functional interplay of reactive metabolites in diabetic organ damage
(Project Head
Kroll, Jens
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2099: Hallmarks of Skin Cancer: Tumor Microenvironment and Melanoma Immunity
Goerdt, Sergij
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 880: Vascular Medicine
Hammes, Hans-Peter
GRK 1874: Diabetic Microvascular Complications (DIAMICOM)
Hammes, Hans-Peter
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 249: The Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Wittbrodt, Joachim