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Leibniz-Institut für Arbeitsforschung an der TU Dortmund (IfADo)
Forschungsbereich Toxikologie
Ardeystraße 67
44139 Dortmund
This institution in GERiT
44139 Dortmund
Research Grants
Current projects
Embryonic lethality upon targeted disruption of a glycerophosphodiesterase: unravelling the role of Gpcpd1 in foetal mouse erythropoiesis
Marchan, Ph.D., Rosemarie
Functional imaging to explore a so far unconsidered mechanism of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity
Ghallab, Ahmed
Intracellularly-derived lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and glycerophospholipid metabolism in ovarian cancer
Marchan, Ph.D., Rosemarie
Mechanisms causing cholemic nephropathy
Hengstler, Jan G.
Mechanisms of the formation of ductular reactions in cholestatic liver disease
Hengstler, Jan G.
Höhme, Stefan
Completed projects
Characterising a role for EDI3 in metastasis in vivo
Hengstler, Jan G.
Characterizing the role of WISP1 in liver pathophysiology
Hengstler, Jan G.
Developmental consequences of prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptor chemicals - An investigation of epigenetic mechanisms in the Duisburg Birth Cohort Study
Kumsta, Robert
Schölmerich, Axel
Die Bedeutung von WISP1 für Leberregeneration, Proliferation und Überleben von Hepatozyten
Godoy, Patricio
Differenzierungspotential spezifischer Zelltypen der Leber: neue Wege der Leberregeneration
Hengstler, Jan G.
Klinische Prognosen auf Grundlage von genregulatorischen Netzwerken
Rahnenführer, Jörg
Konditionale Expression der Rezeptortyrosinkinase HER-2: Bedeutung für die Tumorentwicklung
Hengstler, Jan G.
NAFLD-NASH-HCC progression: mechanisms of stage-transitions and identification of time windows for prevention
Ghallab, Ahmed
Role of the interleukin-15/macrophage axis in the immune response of liver fibrosis
Hengstler, Jan G.
The role of conventional and liver resident NK cells in drug-induced liver injury and in the regulation of ILC2 cells
Hengstler, Jan G.
Watzl, Carsten
The role of the adhesion molecule L1CAM in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and metastasis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Sebens, Susanne
Verbesserte prognostische Signaturen aus Microarray-Studien durch Auswahl von Genen mit charakteristischen Verteilungen
Rahnenführer, Jörg
Research Units
Completed projects
Dynamics of the vacuolar proteome of Arabidopsis thaliana in response to abiotic stress factors
Reinders, Jörg
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mutations of the peroxisomal Fanconi-associated protein (FAP) as a cause for hereditary tubulopathy
(Project Heads
Reichold, Markus
Reinders, Jörg
Warth, Richard
Resistenzmechanismen von Tumoren gegenüber antineoplastischen Agenzien und ihre Regulation zum Therapieerfolg
(Project Head
Hengstler, Jan G.
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Development and application of analytical methods for metabolic cell analysis under patho-physiological conditions
Dettmer-Wilde, Katja
Gronwald, Wolfram
Oefner, Peter
Spang, Rainer
Proteomics and functional analysis of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis of lymphoblastic leukemia cells under simultaneous administration of 2-deoxy-D-glucose
Oefner, Peter
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2624: Biostatistical methods for high-dimensional data in toxicology
Rahnenführer, Jörg
Completed projects
GRK 1427: Food Constituents as Triggers of Nuclear Receptor-mediated Intestinal Signalling
Esser, Charlotte
Proksch, Peter
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