Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Arbeitsgruppe Isotopen-Biogeochemie und Gasflüsse
Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg
This institution in GERiT
15374 Müncheberg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Rhizosphere functions in plant water uptake: Mechanistic link between carbon and water fluxes in the plant-soil system
Holz, Ph.D., Maire
Pausch, Johanna
Zare, Mohsen
Completed projects
Beitrag der Rhizodeposition zur Bildung stabilisierter organischer Bodensubstanz im Verlauf der Pflanzenentwicklung am Dauerfeldversuch `Ewiger Roggenbau` - Aufklärung und Quantifizierung
Augustin, Jürgen
Beitrag der Wurzelreste wachsender Maispflanzen zur Bildung stabilisierter organischer Bodensubstanz-Aufklärung und Quantifizierung
Augustin, Jürgen
Research Grants
Current projects
Ecohydrological connectivity between trees and the capillary zone - a key driver for drought resilience of European forests?
Beyer, Matthias
Dubbert, Maren
Erosion Impact on Nitrogen Turnover and Retention in Soil (ErosioN)
Buchen-Tschiskale, Caroline
Holz, Ph.D., Maire
Methane Dynamics of Kettle Holes in a Postglacial Agricultural Landscape –Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (Acronym: MeDKet)
Knief, Claudia
Kolb, Steffen
Small-scale processes, large effect: rhizosphere traits as key for P efficiency in upland rice
Holz, Ph.D., Maire
Completed projects
Assessing dynamics in eco-hydrological processes during drought stress across scales in a grassland community by stable isotopes
Dubbert, Maren
Rothfuss, Ph.D., Youri
Erosion-induced Impact on Carbon Dynamics in the Crop-Rhizosphere Microbiome-Soil Organic Matter-Continuum (CropRhizoSOM)
Augustin, Jürgen
Kolb, Steffen
Remus, Rainer
Wirth, Stephan
Estimation of rhizodeposition of pasture plants
Kuzyakov, Yakov
Impact assessment of vascular plant encroachment on water and carbon cycling in a Sphagnum dominated bog - VESBO
Dubbert, Maren
Piayda, Arndt
Using advances in stable water isotopy to quantify species- and interspecific ecohydrological feedback processes and water transit times of different tree stands
Orlowski, Natalie
Werner, Christiane
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Biodiversity of Nitrate-Reducing Microbes in Grassland Soils by Massive Cultivation and Genomics (acronym: BE-Cult)
Behrendt, Undine
Horn, Marcus A.
Kolb, Steffen
Ulrich, Andreas
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5664: Agroforestry for sustainable multifunctional agriculture (FORMULA)
Breuer, Lutz
SP1: Greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon sequestration
Gattinger, Andreas
Hoffmann, Mathias
SP2: Water and nutrient fluxes
Breuer, Lutz
Dubbert, Maren
Siemens, Jan