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Universität Duisburg-Essen
Abteilung für Human-Centered Computing and Cognitive Science
Fachgebiet Allgemeine Psychologie: Kognition
Forsthausweg 2
47057 Duisburg
This institution in GERiT
47057 Duisburg
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Brand, Matthias
FOR 2974: Affective and cognitive mechanisms of specific Internet-use disorders (ACSID)
Brand, Matthias
RP10: Cue reactivity and craving in buying-shopping disorder and social network use disorder: Neural correlates, attentional bias, and media-specific features
Brand, Matthias
Krämer, Nicole
Stark, Rudolf Maria
RP11: Sex-/gender-related aspects in affective and cognitive mechanisms of gaming disorder and pornography use disorder
Krämer, Nicole
Müller, Silke M.
Steins-Löber, Sabine
RP1: Comprehensive model testing, comparison of cohorts, and longitudinal approach
Brand, Matthias
RP3: Shift from reward-driven to compulsive behaviors: The role of reduced punishment sensitivity in gaming disorder and pornography use disorder
Antons, Stephanie
Stark, Rudolf Maria
RP4: Automatic and habit-like cue-reactivity responses in gaming disorder and pornography use disorder: Effects of acute stress and cue devaluation on subjective, behavioral, psychophysiological, and neural correlates
Antons, Stephanie
Diers, Martin
Wolf, Oliver Tobias
RP5: Daily stress, attentional bias, and inhibitory control in buying-shopping disorder and social network use disorder
Müller, Astrid
Wegmann, Elisa
Wolf, Oliver Tobias
RP8: Emotional working memory training and cognitive bias modification in social network use disorder and gaming disorder
Rumpf, Hans-Jürgen
Wegmann, Elisa
Completed projects
Coordinated Collection of Data and Comparative Analyses across Academic Disciplines and Study Programs
Brand, Matthias
Leutner, Detlev
Sumfleth, Elke
Research Grants
Current projects
Explaining and predicting moments of impaired control in individuals with the aim to regulate their gaming behavior or pornography use: A multi-method study approach
Antons, Stephanie
Involvement of the human cerebellum in reinforcement learning via its connection with the ventral tegmental area (VTA)
Bingel, Ulrike
Brand, Matthias
Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
Completed projects
Central data acquisition: Generalization, replication and longitudinal data
Brand, Matthias
Leutner, Detlev
Sumfleth, Elke
Walpuski, Maik
Neural correlates of craving in participants with pathological buying - an fMRI study using a cue-reactivity paradigm
Starcke, Katrin
Neurale Korrelate des Risiko-Entscheidungsverhaltens bei Parkinsonpatienten
Brand, Matthias
Neurale Korrelate des Risiko-Entscheidungsverhaltens bei Patienten mit Spielsucht
Brand, Matthias
Stress und Risikoentscheidungen - behaviorale, neuroendokrine und neurale Korrelate der Interaktion von Stress, exekutiven Funktionen und Entscheidungen in Risikosituationen
Brand, Matthias
Wolf, Oliver Tobias
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2167: User-Centred Social Media
Fuhr, Norbert
Additional Information
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