Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Geschichte und Soziologie
Professur für Allgemeine Soziologie und Kultursoziologie
Post Office Box Fach 41
78457 Konstanz
This institution in GERiT
78457 Konstanz
Research Grants
Current projects
Somatechnically Mediated Telexistence - On the Intercorporeal, Identitary and Social-Theoretical Implications of Interaction with Controllable Robotic Avatars
Straub, Ilona
Completed projects
Deviant Bodies. Extended Bodies. When Motility Disability faces Enhancement in a Phenomenological Sociological Context
Butnaru, Denisa
Kommunikation unter Druck. Praktiken der Verständigung von Trainern und Athleten im Spitzensport
Bergmann, Jörg R.
Cachay, Klaus
Medialized communication under pressure: Cultures of command, epistemic practices, and distributed decision-making in technically medialized warfare communication
Meyer, Christian
Mikrodynamiken politischer Kommunkation in der Weltgesellschaft. Das soziale Leben des Demokratiekonzeptes in zwei islamischen Staaten.
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna
Youth movements and transformations of the political: Bangladesh and Senegal in transregional comparison
Gerharz, Eva
Gukelberger, Sandrine
Meyer, Christian
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media
Stock, Robert
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Media of Praxeology II: Anthropology of Cooperation: Skill, Deixis, Interaction
(Project Heads
Meyer, Christian
Schüttpelz, Erhard
Media of Praxeology I: Multisensory Mediality and Cooperative Practice
(Project Heads
Lynch, Ph.D., Michael
Meyer, Christian
Mondada, Lorenza
Rawls, Anne W.
Schüttpelz, Erhard
Thielmann, Tristan