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Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Medienwissenschaft
Universitätstraße 150
44801 Bochum
This institution in GERiT
44801 Bochum
Research Grants
Completed projects
Animals and processing of data. The animal turn in media studies
Rieger, Stefan
Die Digitalisierung des Fernsehens und die Zukunft des dualen Systems. Eine vergleichende Auswertung von Theorie und Praxis des Public Service in einer veränderten Medienumwelt am Beispiel Deutschlands, Frankreichs, Großbritanniens und Kanadas
Thomaß, Barbara
Programming, Curating and Reconstruction as Elements of a Performative Practice of Film Historiography
Siewert, Senta
Streaming History. Moving Images of the Shoah and the Web 2.0
Rothöhler, Simon
Vollständig überarbeitete sowie ergänzte Neuausgabe der vom Antragsteller 1974 vorgelegten `Poetik des Films` in Form eines Handbuchs
Beilenhoff, Wolfgang
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
Rieger, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The Processed Picture: Imaging in the Age of Photoshop
Heilmann, Till Andreas
Further Instrumentation Related Funding
Current projects
Digitalisierung der frühesten erhaltenen Protokolle der Kommission für Rechenanlagen der DFG (ab 1956)
Tuschling, Anna
CRC/Cultural Studies Research Centres
Completed projects
Die Disziplinierung des Bildes: Imagination und politische Ordnung
(Project Head
Balke, Friedrich
Gesichterpolitiken: Das Gesicht in Film und Fernsehen II
(Project Head
Beilenhoff, Wolfgang
Zentrale Verwaltung und Dienstleistungen
(Project Head
Balke, Friedrich
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Gender, Media and Affect
Köppert, Katrin
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bicycle Media: Analyses of a Cooperatively Moving Medium
(Project Head
Bee, Julia
Central Administrative Project: Management and Scientific Coordination
(Project Head
Rieger, Stefan
Central Service Project: Methods and Didactics
(Project Heads
Aßmann, Sandra
Rothöhler, Simon
Schäfer, Armin
Sprenger, Florian
Historical Technography of Online Commenting
(Project Heads
Helmond, Anne
Paßmann, Johannes
Infrastructure Project: Technology and praxeology
(Project Heads
Scholz, Joachim
Sørensen, Ph.D., Estrid
Tuschling, Anna
Public Relations Project: Mediation and Evidence
(Project Heads
Bunnenberg, Christian
Rieger, Stefan
Urban, Annette
Public Relations: Researching and Designing Cooperatively
(Project Heads
Bee, Julia
Wiesemann, Jutta
Zillinger, Martin
SFB 1567: Virtuelle Lebenswelten
Rieger, Stefan
Virtual Affects: History, Technology, Aesthetic Politics
(Project Head
Tuschling, Anna
Virtual Bodies: Towards an Epistemology of Embodiment
(Project Head
Rieger, Stefan
Virtual Disputes and Controversies: Forums and Tribunalization
(Project Heads
Balke, Friedrich
Gaderer, Rupert
Virtual Environments: Sensoalgorithmic Virtuality in Autonomous Cars
(Project Head
Sprenger, Florian
Virtual Image Archives: Visuality, Operativity, Logistics
(Project Head
Rothöhler, Simon
Completed projects
Entstehung und Ordnung anthropologischer Diskurse der Moderne
(Project Heads
von Graevenitz, Gerhart
Rieger, Stefan
Weinberg, Manfred
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1867: History and Theory of Mimetic Practices
Siegert, Bernhard
Mimetic Modes of Existence
Balke, Friedrich
Muhle, Maria
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2132: Documentary Practices. Excess and Privation
Balke, Friedrich
Completed projects
GRK 1020: Media of History - History of Media
Balke, Friedrich
Menke, Bettine
GRK 2558: Media Anthropology
Voss, Christiane
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Culture – Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage
Schrade, Torsten
Additional Information
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