Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Facheinheit Paläontologie
Arbeitsgruppe Biosedimentologie
Altenhöferallee 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Research Grants
Current projects
Holocene reef growth in Bermuda (western Atlantic): a model for reef accretion in an Acropora-free environment
Gischler, Eberhard
Completed projects
Accretion patterns of Belize barrier and atoll reefs: an archive of environmental change during the Holocene
Gischler, Eberhard
A giant underwater stalactite from the Blue Hole, Belize, revisited: a complex history of carbonate accretion under changing meteoric and marine conditions
Gischler, Eberhard
Atoll lagoons as archives of environmental change: tsunami deposits, reef and island development, and sea level in the Maldives, Indian Ocean
Gischler, Eberhard
Coastal lagoons as archives of event deposits, Belize, Caribbean Sea
Gischler, Eberhard
Die Entwicklung des Belize Barrier Reef (Zentralamerika) im späten Quartär
Gischler, Eberhard
Historical climate variation in the Maldives, Indian Ocean, based on proxy data from Scleractinian coral skeletons
Gischler, Eberhard
Holocene development of reefs and lagoons of Bora Bora, Darwin's type barrier reef (French Polynesia): the influence of sea level, antecedent topography, and subsidence
Gischler, Eberhard
Holocene laggon development of isolated carbonate platforms: Belize, Central America
Gischler, Eberhard
Holozäne Stromatolithe in Süßwasserlagunen, Yucatan Halbinsel, SE-Mexico
Gischler, Eberhard
Late Quaternary development, architecture, and paleoecology of Rasdhoo Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean
Gischler, Eberhard
Modern sediment facies and dynamics of the Dry Tortugas, south Florida, USA: an isolated carbonate ramp
Gischler, Eberhard
Pleistocene development and facies of southern Belize shelf and barrier reef
Gischler, Eberhard
Quantification of skeletal density in corals using gamma densitometry: a pilot project
Deveaux, Michael
Gischler, Eberhard
Räumliche und zeitliche Verbreitung, Diversitätsentwicklung und Klimaabhängigkeit benthischer Foraminiferen in holozänen Lagunen, Belize, Zentralamerika
Gischler, Eberhard
Sclerochronology and isotope geochemistry of corals from belize, central america.
Gischler, Eberhard
The late Holocene, high-resolution storm and climate archive of the Blue Hole, Lighthouse Reef, Belize (Central America)
Gischler, Eberhard
Zonierung hartteiltragender Benthosorganismen in den Intraplattformlagunen vor Belize, Zentral-Amerika
Oschmann, Wolfgang
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Geomorphology of the Belize Barrier Reef margin: a survey for IODP drilling
Gischler, Eberhard
Seismic survey of the Blue Hole, Belize: a pre-study for ICDP-drilling
Gischler, Eberhard
Research Units
Completed projects
Microbial alteration of geochemical and isotope proxies in fine-grained carbonate sediments
Arp, Gernot
Daniel, Rolf
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Common Era ENSO variability in the West Central Pacific inferred from isotopic and trace element analysis of Porites microatolls
Knebel, Oliver
Tropical climate variability and the influence of environmental stressors as recorded in Orbicella and Siderastrea coral skeletons from Belize
Gischler, Eberhard