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The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS)
Kungsbron 21
111 82 Stockholm
111 82 Stockholm
Research Grants
Current projects
ALPine Mountain Hay MEadows MAnagement: Best practices to maintain their Favorable Conservation Status against underuse under different property right regimes inside and outside protected areas
Bieling, Claudia
Aquaponics optimization in a local climatic, economic and cultural context: maximizing the benefits of a circular bioeconomy for food production
Körner, Oliver
Aquatic FUNgal biodiversity: developing knowledge and strAtegies to inform ConservaTION priorities and measures
Grossart, Hans-Peter
Building an evidence-base for deforestation-free landscapes: supporting equitable outcomes in and beyond commodity supply-chains
Kastner, Thomas
Co-Creating Sustainable Transformations of Food Supply Chains through Cooperative Business Models and Governance
Parodi, Oliver
Wiek, Arnim
Eastern Tropical Pacific reef fish on the move: biodiversity reorganisation and societal consequences (EASMO)
Bejarano, Sonia
Feedbacks between Biodiversity and Climate
Bruelheide, Helge
Hickler, Thomas
Genetic Indicators for Nature Monitoring
Segelbacher, Gernot
Interactive effects of local and landscape scale restoration of semi-natural grasslands and agricultural fields on species interactions and ecosystem functions in different social-ecological systems
Haß, Annika
Westphal, Catrin
JUST GROW: Co-designing justice-centric indicators and governance principles to intensify urban agriculture sustainably and equitably
Specht, Kathrin
Marine Forests of animals, plants and algae: nature-based tools to protect and restore biodiversity
Freiwald, André
Mechanisms underlying the success and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of range-expanding species under climate change
Haider, Sylvia
Monitoring Strategies and Tools to address knowledge gaps on aquatic Fungal biodiversity
Grossart, Hans-Peter
Nature-based perennial grain cropping as a model to safeguard functional biodiversity towards future-proof agriculture
Rasche, Frank
Prioritising riparian ecotones to sustain and connect multiple biodiversity and functional components in river networks
Schulz, Ralf
Promoting action on broad ocean challenges by delving into the past, present and future of European syngnathids
Roth, Olivia
Reconciling fragmented and contested landscapes
Plieninger, Tobias
Completed projects
Agro-ecosystem diversification: digging deeper
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Climate Change Impacts and Biodiversity Interactions in Nordic Salt Marshes
Jensen, Kai
Developing improved social-ecological scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem services in north temperate freshwater ecosystems over the next half century
Adrian, Ph.D., Rita
Pahl-Wostl, Claudia
Functional Variability and Dynamics of Responses of Marine Forests to Global Change
Eichinger, Ludwig
Valentin, Klaus
Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethno-ecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA
Epp, Laura
Generic bio-inventory of functional soil microbial diversity in permanent grassland ecosystems across management and climate gradients
Rasche, Frank
Land to Sea: integrated modelling of consequences of terrestrial activities and climate change for freshwater and coastal marine biodiversity and ecosystem services
Hering, Daniel
Kannen, Andreas
Managing soil biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems across Europe under climate change (SOILCLIM)
Scheu, Stefan
Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under ongoing climate change
Bauhus, Jürgen
Buscot, Francois
Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael
The futures of reef services in the Anthropocene
Bejarano, Sonia
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