Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachbereich Medizin
Molekularbiologisches Labor der Klinik für Neurochirurgie
35033 Marburg
35033 Marburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Functional analysis of metalloprotease-disintegrius (ADAMs) in the CNS
Bartsch, Jörg-Walter
Validation of ADAM8 as a therapeutic target in highly invasive tumors and in metastasis
Bartsch, Jörg-Walter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Matrixmetallproteinasen und prozessierte Signalmoleküle bei Remodellierungsprozessen im Nervensystem
(Project Heads
Bartsch, Jörg-Walter
Jockusch, Harald
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
ADAM8 as a theranostic in PDAC
Bartsch, Jörg-Walter
Lehman, Bettina
KFO 325: Clinical relevance of tumor-microenvironment interactions in pancreatic cancer
Gress, Thomas Mathias