University of Oslo
Department of Geosciences
P.O. Box 1047 Blindern
0316 Oslo
0316 Oslo
Research Grants
Current projects
Investigating the state of silicate Earth differentiation at 3.5 Ga using Mo stable isotopes
Bezard, Ph.D., Rachel
The ice content of palsas and peat plateaus, estimated with high-frequency induced polarisation
Hördt, Andreas
Completed projects
Crustal architecture and evolution of the conjugate volcanic margins off mid-Norway and East Greenland in a total rift context
Jokat, Wilfried
Intramontane basin opening and erosive unloading: A 10Be-supported model for the Usia drainage basin, southern Pyrenees.
Stange, Kurt Martin
Modelling present glacier dynamics on Svalbard - from inferring surface velocities to computing a flow-consistent bedrock map
Fürst, Johannes
Structural modelling and modelling of subsidence history in order to reconstruct and quantify the tectono-sedimentary evolution and the generation, migration and alteration of hydrocarbons offshore Norway.
Horsfield, Brian
The Scandinavian mountain chain: deep processes (TopoScandiaDeep)
Ritter, Joachim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Modelling climate effects/feedbacks and subduction processes
(Project Heads
Krüger, Kirstin
Latif, Mojib
Rüpke, Lars Helmuth
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Volcanic signatures of the Toba-Eruption (73 ka B.P.) in the EDML ice core (Antarctica) and southern ocean sediment cores: Implications for climate impact and climate teleconnections
Wörner, Gerhard
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Geodynamic models of the relation of subduction under South America and plumes and Large Igneous Provinces in the South Atlantic, with constraints by seismology
Steinberger, Bernhard