Universität Potsdam
Department Erziehungswissenschaften
Professur für Schulpädagogik m.d.S. Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14476 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
Attitudes and behaviors in the teacher-student relationship: a theoretical model conceptualization of reciprocal relationships between teachers and learners
Lazarides, Rebecca
Raufelder, Diana
MOVE – Interindividual differences in student motivation. Classroom-related factors of profile membership and changes of motivational profiles across secondary school
Lazarides, Rebecca
Teacher Use of Motivational Messages in the Classroom
Lazarides, Rebecca
Teach – School context, Teacher motivation and teaching quality Renewal proposal for the research project “Teach - The Role of Teacher Beliefs and Instructional Practices for Student Beliefs and Academic Outcomes”
Lazarides, Rebecca
Schiefele, Ulrich
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2002: Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)
Brock, Oliver