Universität Leipzig
Institut für Psychologie
Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre
Neumarkt 9-19
04109 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04109 Leipzig
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Oszillatorische ereigniskorrelierte Hirndynamik und Assoziationsbildung
Müller, Matthias M.
Research Grants
Current projects
Feature-based dynamics in visual search: Shifting the focus from target/distractor processing to the processing of non-target filler stimuli in the search display
Forschack, Norman
Neural dynamics of distraction under competition in visual cortex
Müller, Matthias M.
Neural temporal dynamics of facilitation and suppression in top-down guided feature-based attention
Müller, Matthias M.
Setting the „signal suppression hypothesis“ to a stress test. Experiments to breakup the circular argumentation using behavioral findings and the lateral distractor positivity (Pd)
Müller, Matthias M.
Completed projects
Kortikale Mechanismen anhaltender Aufmerksamkeit im menschlichen Tastsinn
Müller, Matthias M.
Neural competition for processing resources in visual cortex with emotional distractors
Müller, Matthias M.
Neural mechanisms in multi element stimulus displays in the human brain
Müller, Matthias M.
Neural mechanisms of visual object representation in the human brain
Müller, Matthias M.
Neuronale Dynamik der Verarbeitung multisensorischer Stimuli im menschlichen Gehirn
Müller, Matthias M.
Neuronale Mechanismen der Steuerung von Aufmerksamkeit im menschlichen Gehirn
Müller, Matthias M.
Neuronale Mechanismen räumlicher und merkmalsbasierter Aufmerksamkeit und deren Interaktion
Müller, Matthias M.
Neuronal interaction between spatial- and feature-based attention in visual object processing
Müller, Matthias M.
Shifting attention within or between feature dimensions. Neural temporal dynamics in human early visual cortex
Müller, Matthias M.
The role of alpha rhythm in sensory input control during selective attention
Müller, Matthias M.
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Neuronal and behavioral rhythmicity of feature-based and object-based mechanisms of selective visual attention
Hartjen, Berit
The role of alpha oscillations in attentional prioritization of emotional arousal
Bekhtereva, Valeria
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1182: Function of Attention in Cognition
Müller, Matthias M.