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Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.
Institut Physikalische Chemie und Physik der Polymere
Hohe Straße 6
01069 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01069 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Beyond uni-directional hierarchical wrinkle formation
Fery, Andreas
Sander, Oliver
Drop impact on nonwetting nanoporous surfaces: formation of a novel air film and its influencing factors
Auernhammer, Günter K.
NSF‐DFG MISSION: Imaging interfacial mass, charge, and energy transfer in nanoparticle/conductive polymer hybrids
Fery, Andreas
Lissel, Franziska
Optimization of dielectric interfaces using nano structured surfaces
Fery, Andreas
Kornhuber, Stefan
Plasmonic-Organic Microcavity Lasers
Fery, Andreas
König, Tobias
Leo, Karl
Self Rolling Rods powered by Light and Chemical gradients
Simmchen, Juliane
Structurally Anisotropic Functional Nanocomposite Thin Films from Cellulose Nanocrystals and Gold Nanoparticles
Fery, Andreas
Rossner, Christian
Tailored Hybrid Nanomaterials for Plasmon-Mediated Photocatalysis
Rossner, Christian
Completed projects
Bridging molecular orientation and isomerization state with macro-deformation in photoactive azobenzene-containing materials
Guskova, Olga
Santer, Svetlana
Coherent energy transfer in a self-assembled plasmonic lattice
König, Tobias
Lippitz, Markus
Dynamic surface coatings through the hierarchical self-assembly of responsive colloidal building blocks
Fery, Andreas
Müller, Martin
Schacher, Felix H.
Electrospun Nanofibers with Embedded Yolk-Shell Particles for Catalytic Applications
Uhlmann, Ph.D., Petra
Immobilization of ordered plasmonic nanostructures at surfaces of polymeric melts
Fery, Andreas
Nagel, Jürgen
Kombination von Reflektions Interferenz-Kontrast Mikroskopie mit kraftmikroskopischen Methoden zur Untersuchung von Adhäsion und mechanischen Eigenschaften von Polyelektrolyt-Hohlkörpern
Fery, Andreas
Optically Reconfigurable Nanoscale Junctions for Organic Electronics
Guskova, Olga
Phasenseparationsszenarien binärer Mischungen bei langsamer kontinuierlicher Änderung der Temperatur
Vollmer, Doris
Phasenverhalten von Polyelektrolyt Multilagen
Fery, Andreas
Schick, Christoph
Self-assembly und structure formation of spider silk proteins in (ultra-)thin films
Fery, Andreas
Scheibel, Thomas
Shape-changing polymer micro-origami with fully reprogrammable spatio-temporal folding
Fery, Andreas
Ionov, Leonid
Silk-inorganic composite materials with programmed mechanics
Bausch, Andreas
Fery, Andreas
Scheibel, Thomas
Structure - mechanical property relations of polyelectrolyte multilayer and free-standing membranes
Fery, Andreas
Laschewsky, André
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5599: From production processes of structured magnetic elastomers to their macroscopic material behavior
Menzel, Andreas
Internal dynamics of magnetic particles during fabrication and magnetomechanical loading of structured magnetic elastomers – experimental studies
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Completed projects
Gezielte Beeinflussung der Fließgrenze von Suspensionen durch chemisch modifizierte Partikeloberflächen
Aksel, Nuri
Fery, Andreas
Schmidt, Hans-Werner
Rippelbildung beim Aktingel-Wachstum auf heterogenen Kolloidoberflächen
Fery, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Impact of co-nonsolvency effects on dynamic wetting
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Uhlmann, Ph.D., Petra
Completed projects
3D measurement of field-induced deformations in magnetic hybrid materials
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Deformation, rolling and sliding of particles and particle aggregates
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Vollmer, Doris
Dynamik kolloidaler Suspensionen: Wachstum, Aggregation, Reorganisation und Trocknung
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Internal dynamics in concrete and model systems of concrete: 3D particle tracking, flow and concentration profiles.
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Self-Powered, Hybrid Triboelectric-Piezoresistive Tactile Sensor array-based Artificial Skin for Soft Robots
Das, Amit
Fery, Andreas
Wet but non slippery (3): Bioinspired adhesives that work in humid and flooded conditions
Barnes, Jon P.
Butt, Hans-Jürgen
del Campo Bécares, Aránzazu
Fery, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Cellular uptake of microplastics as a function of basic particle properties
(Project Heads
Fery, Andreas
Kreß, Holger
Laforsch, Christian
Effect of Extended Defects on Optoelectronic Properties in Novel 2D Materials
(Project Head
Hermes, Ilka
Experimental investigation of coalescence and breakup of droplets on solid surfaces – Generic config-uration sessile drop
(Project Heads
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Hardt, Steffen
Flow velocity profile near a moving three-phase contact line
(Project Head
Auernhammer, Günter K.
Wrinkle-Based Strain Engineering of 2D Materials
(Project Head
Fery, Andreas
Completed projects
Mesoscopically structured functional composite nonwovens for application in separation and catalysis
(Project Heads
Fery, Andreas
Greiner, Andreas
Schmidt, Hans-Werner
Oberflächen-kontrollierte Selbst-Anordnung partikulärer Bausteine zur Erzeugung plasmonischer Überstrukturen
(Project Heads
Fery, Andreas
Karg, Ph.D., Matthias
Untersuchung der faltengestützten Selbstassemblierung niederdimensionaler kollodialer Aggregate
(Project Head
Fery, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Rasterkraftmikroskop mit integrierter konfokaler Laserscanning-Mikroskopie
Current projects
Development of sensor particles and computer simulations for the determination of mechanical cell stress during biofabrication
(Project Heads
Albrecht, Krystyna
Fery, Andreas
Gekle, Stephan
Papastavrou, Georg
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2767: Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices
Fery, Andreas
Completed projects
GRK 1865: Hydrogel-based Microsystems
Gerlach, Gerald
Additional Information
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