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Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
Department 1: Geodäsie
14473 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14473 Potsdam
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Multi-Satellite ionosphere-plasmasphere Electron density reconstruction (MuSE)
Gerzen, Tatjana
Completed projects
Coastal and Regional Sea Level Change and Subsidence - The Hazardous Potential in Indonesia and South East Asia (CoRSEA)
Schöne, Ph.D., Tilo
Dynamic model of a coupled system of the convecting mantle, lithosphere and ice shield of Antarctica (MANTIS-II).
Kaban, Mikhail
From Localized to Distributed Faulting – Present-day Kinematics of the Southern and Eastern Alps
Metzger, Sabrina
High-resolution Reanalyses and Impact Studies for Improving Process Understanding and Precipitation Forecast Skill based on the COPS Data Set
Gendt, Gerd
Stephan, Klaus
Wulfmeyer, Volker
Holocene and Anthropocene sea-level records from Indonesia
Westphal, Hildegard
Holocene sea level changes in Southeast Asia
Rovere, Ph.D., Alessio
Inverse and forward multiscale numerical modeling of the Alpine orogeny (IFMMALPO)
Petrunin, Alexey
Research Grants
Current projects
GRAVitational field modelling of Earth’s topography For GEOdetic and GEOphysical applications (GRAV4GEO)
Ince, Ph.D., E. Sinem
Hybrid satellite constellations for high-resolution atmospheric modeling and sounding (HOLMES)
Schuh, Harald
LES2GNSS: Large Eddy Simulations to Model Turbulent Fluctuations in GNSS Wet Delay
Kermarrec, Gael
Schuh, Harald
Multi-constellation and multi-sensor integrated non-conservative forces modeling framework (MOTIVATING)
Schuh, Harald
Completed projects
Advanced MUlti-GNSS Array for Monitoring Severe Weather Events (AMUSE)
Wickert, Jens
Assimilation and Process Studies for selected COPS IOPs using GPS STD and radar radial velocities in the WRF-Var system (APRO-GRAVAR)
Bauer, Hans-Stefan
Wickert, Jens
Development of a tomographic water vapour sounding system based on GNSS data
Raabe, Armin
Wickert, Jens
Evaluation of stress and strain rates in the lithosphere of Europe based on high resolution thermodynamic model coupled with mantle convection model.
Petrunin, Alexey
Exploitation of GNSS tropospheric gradients for severe weather monitoring and prediction
Wickert, Jens
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2736: New Refined Observations of Climate Change from Spaceborne Gravity Missions (NEROGRAV)
Flechtner, Frank
Near-real time, Long-term, LRI and SLR combination aspects (NELOS)
Gruber, Thomas
Panafidina, Natalia
Completed projects
Improved STOchastic modelling in GRACE/GRACE-FO REal data processing (ISTORE)
König, Rolf
Mass motion in the Earth's core and mantle and their influence on polar motion
Hagedoorn, Jan
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Transport, Removal and Accumulation of sediments Numerically Simulated for Paleo-Oceans and Reconstructed from cores of The Eirik Drift (TRANSPORTED)
Saynisch-Wagner, Jan
Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele
Research data and software
Current projects
Service and Archive for Mass Distribution And mass Transport data (SAMDAT)
Elger, Kirsten
Förste, Christoph
Gruber, Thomas
Ince, Ph.D., E. Sinem
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2018: SuRfAce processes, TEctonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina (StRaTEGy)
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Additional Information
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