Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Themenbereich Ökosysteme der Zukunft
Department Bodenökologie
Theodor-Lieser-Straße 4
06120 Halle
This institution in GERiT
06120 Halle
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A drought tolerant synthetic bacterial community for barley
Tarkka, Mika
Microbial life in the rhizosphere: kinetics and visualization of the functions
Blagodatskaya, Evgenia
Microheat-2: Carbon and energy turnover for complex substrates and intact soils
Blagodatskaya, Evgenia
Reitz, Thomas
Schlüter, Steffen
Spatial and temporal analysis of maize root gene expression to elucidate how the maize interacts with the rhizosphere microbiome and the environment
Tarkka, Mika
Completed projects
Influence of Laccase production by fungi and mycorrhizas on edification and stability of organic substances in agricultural and forest soil
Buscot, Francois
Regulation of Photoassimilation and C-transfer in early stage of ectomycorrhizal symbioses by oaks
Buscot, Francois
Stabilization of organic matter by layer silicates - quality and turnover of products of interaction
Schulz, Elke
Research Grants
Completed projects
Diversity of glomeromycota, basidiomycetous yeasts and genes encoding laccase like multicopper oxidases along land use gradients at the German biodiversity exploratories
Begerow, Dominik
Buscot, Francois
Enzymes of plant gallotannin metabolism
Milkowski, Carsten
Microbial diversity-ecosystem function relationships across environmental gradients
Buscot, Francois
Eisenhauer, Nico
Heintz-Buschart, Anna
Küsel, Kirsten
Wegner, Carl-Eric
Mobilisierung und Transfer von Schwermetallen durch Mykorrhizen unter Berücksichtigung von Radionukliden
Buscot, Francois
Multitrophic Interactions with Oaks
Buscot, Francois
Grams, Thorsten
Rueß, Liliane
Scheu, Stefan
Schrey, Silvia
Tarkka, Mika
Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under ongoing climate change
Bauhus, Jürgen
Buscot, Francois
Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael
Regulation der Photoassimilation und des C-Transfers in der Frühphase von ektomykorrhizalen Symbiosen der Stieleiche
Buscot, Francois
Relating N transformation and transport to microbial activities in forest soils
Buscot, Francois
Guggenberger, Georg
Kandeler, Ellen
Soil biodiversity and suppressiveness of soil against plant diseases and insect pests
Buscot, Francois
Smalla, Kornelia
Species diversity in the fungal generaHebeloma and Alnicola(Basidiomycota, Cortinarales, Cortnaraceae) in Central Europe
Buscot, Francois
Research Units
Current projects
C2 – Experimental Platforms and Plant Material
Bouffaud, Marie Lara
Gossner, Martin
Heer, Katrin
Opgenoorth, Lars
Tarkka, Mika
FOR 5571: Using clonal oak phytometers to unravel acclimation and adaptation mechanisms of long-lived forest tree holobionts to ecological variations and climate change
Opgenoorth, Lars
SP1: Microbial root symbionts as drivers of eco-evolutionary dynamics and long- term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships in plant communities
Buscot, Francois
Heintz-Buschart, Anna
SP2 – Holobiont acclimation and adaptation to global change as revealed by the transcriptome
Bouffaud, Marie Lara
SP4 - Cross talk between environmental conditions, oak tree performance, and the microbiomes of their soil, endo- and phyllosphere
Becker, Anke
Goldmann, Kezia
Junker, Robert R.
Prada-Salcedo, Ph.D., Luis Daniel
SP5 - Adaptation and acclimation of the clonal oak’s ectomycorrhizal fungi to biotic and abiotic environmental factors
Tarkka, Mika
Completed projects
Decomposer - interaction webs and the effect of belowground biota for ecosystem processes
Buscot, Francois
Scheu, Stefan
Diversity and functions of arbuscular mycorrhizal and soil fungi with oxidative potential in grasslands with different levels of plant diversity
Buscot, Francois
Effects of forest biodiversity on microbial growth and activity in specific microsites and across the landscape
Buscot, Francois
Interplay between the soil microbiome and tree species richness as well as tree species identity in subtropical forests of China
Buscot, Francois
Wubet, Tesfaye
Soil fungi as link between plant derived carbon and soil food webs (FunLink)
Wubet, Tesfaye
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
BELongDead - Multitrophic functional diversity in deadwood (BLD-MultiFuncDiv)
Moll, Julia
Core Project 8: Soil microbial diversity and community composition of grassland and forest ecosystems along land use gradients in three German Biodiversity Exploratories
Goldmann, Kezia
Overmann, Jörg
Schloter, Michael
Land use and biodiversity determine the contribution of microbial necromass to soil carbon storage (BioNeCS)
Bi, Qing-Fang
Glaser, Bruno
Goldmann, Kezia
Kaiser, Klaus
Prada-Salcedo, Ph.D., Luis Daniel
Schrumpf, Marion
Completed projects
Exploratories for large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research: the core project
Buscot, Francois
Fischer, Markus
Kalko, Elisabeth
Linsenmair, Karl Eduard
Schulze, Ernst-Detlef
Weisser, Wolfgang W.
Microbial Data Synthesis and Meta-analysis for the Biodiversity Exploratories
Bonkowski, Michael
Buscot, Francois
Daniel, Rolf
Kandeler, Ellen
Overmann, Jörg
DFG Research Centres
Current projects
Central Management
(Project Heads
Bruelheide, Helge
Buscot, Francois
van Dam, Nicole M.
Knight, Tiffany Marie
Küsel, Kirsten
Pereira, Henrique Miguel
Quaas, Martin F.
Wirth, Christian
Completed projects
Biodiversity Processes
(Project Heads
Buscot, Francois
van Dam, Nicole M.
Harpole, William Stanley
Schlegel, Martin
Experimental Interaction Ecology
(Project Heads
Buscot, Francois
Harms, Hauke
Molecular Interaction Ecology
(Project Heads
Buscot, Francois
Küsel, Kirsten
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Microbial Responses to Pulsed Infiltration Inputs into Groundwater of the Hainich CZE
(Project Heads
Buscot, Francois
Küsel, Kirsten
Popp, Jürgen
Rösch, Petra
Taubert, Martin
Wubet, Tesfaye
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 266: Analysis of the Functioning and Regeneration of Degraded Ecosystems
Halle, Ph.D., Stefan
Research data and software
Completed projects
German Federation for the Curation of Biological Data (GFBio)
Buscot, Francois
Eder, Johanna
Frickenhaus, Stephan
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Grobe, Peter
Güntsch, Anton
Hickler, Thomas
Hoffmann, Jana
Horstmann, Wolfram
Huber, Robert
Kattge, Jens
König-Ries, Birgitta
Nieschulze, Jens
Overmann, Jörg
Paschke, Adrian
Seeger, Bernhard
Triebel, Dagmar
Wirth, Christian
Yahyapour, Ramin