Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
FSP Funktionelle und strukturelle Genomforschung
Abteilung Molekulare Genetik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
High resolution analysis of interchromosomal nuclear compartmentalization in situ and in vivo
Lichter, Peter
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Molecular analysis of intestinal stem cell associated genes in colorectal cancer (CRC)
Lichter, Peter
Completed projects
Dysregulation of p 53 by MDM Proteins in Human Hepatocarcinogenesis
(Project Heads
Longerich, Thomas
Radlwimmer, Bernhard
Schirmacher, Peter
Research Grants
Completed projects
Extracellular vesicle RNA as systemic modulators of the tumor microenvironment in B cell lymphoma
Kuchenbauer, Florian
Mertens, Daniel
Seiffert, Martina
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 886: Molecular imaging methods for the analysis of gene + protein expression
Gretz, Norbert
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
GHGA – German Human Genome-Phenome Archive
Stegle, Ph.D., Oliver