Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)
Abteilung Physiologie und Zellbiologie
Corrensstraße 3
06466 Gatersleben
This institution in GERiT
06466 Gatersleben
Research Grants
Current projects
Elongating roots for efficient nitrogen foraging via altered brassinosteroid and auxin synthesis and signaling
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Future proofing plants through enhancement of yield stability in water-limited environments
Schneider, Hannah
Improved nitrogen use efficiency in agriculture by CATCH crops as producers of Biological Nitrification Inhibitors
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Molecular regulation underlying the mutual interaction between ammonium and nitrate transport in plant roots
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Unlocking and employing genetic variation of the metal transporter HvMTP1;2 in stem nodes for improved organ development, micronutrient allocation and biofortification in barley
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Completed projects
Ammonium, Harnstoff und Nitrat als Regulatoren der Bestockung in Getreide
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Ammonium sensing by plant roots
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Die Steuerung der Blattmorphogenese durch die Form des Stickstoffangebotes und ihre möglichen hormonalen und molekularen Regulationsmechanismen
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Elucidating the function of the CYBDOM protein HYP1 in phosphorus deficiency-dependent primary root growth
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Funktion des Nicotianamins bei Ferntransport und Rezirkulation von Mineralstoffen in der Pflanze
Stephan, Udo
Genetische und physiologische Faktoren der Eiseneffizienz in Mais
Stich, Benjamin
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Identification of transcriptional regulators of the plant ionome
Giehl, Ricardo F.H.
Identifying molecular triggers for ammonium transporter trafficking to target membranes in root cells.
Melzer, Michael
In-planta analyses of the three Arabidopsis isoforms of the bifunctional RIBA with enzymatic domains for GTP cyclohydrolase II and 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase
Grimm, Bernhard
Interplay of chelating and reducing root exudates in plant iron acquisition
Weber, Günther
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Investigation of the role of strigolactones in barley in response to drought
Melzer, Michael
Molecular characterisation of urea transport in plants
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Plant root diffusional barriers: genesis and implications for nutrient efficiency and stress tolerance
Aarts, Mark G. M.
Boursiac, Yann
Franke, Rochus Benni
Grundler, Florian M. W.
Salt, David E
Schjoerring, Jan K.
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Regulation der pflanzlichen Eisenhomöostase
Stephan, Udo
The significance of the functional diversity of low molecular-weight metal ligands for uptake and intracellular distribution of metal micronutrients
Weber, Günther
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Molekulargenetische Charakterisierung des Eisen-Phytosiderophor-Transports in Gramineen
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Physiologische Funktionen und posttranslationale Regulation von Ammoniumtransportern der AMT1-Familie in Arabidopsis thaliana
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 948: Nitrogen Uptake, Metabolism and Remobilisation in Leaves during Plant Senescence
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Forms of retranslocated nitrogen during leaf senescence and nitrogen deficiency
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Relevance of natural allelic variation in YUCCA genes for proteoform modulation, local auxin biosynthesis and phenotypic variation in natural Arabidopsis accessions
(Project Heads
Stubbs, Milton T.
von Wirén, Nicolaus
Completed projects
Molekulare Zellbiologie der proteolytischen Spaltung von Reserveproteinen
(Project Heads
Horstmann, C.
Müntz, Klaus
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 259: Mitigation Strategies for the Emission of Greenhouse Gases and Environmentally Toxic Agents from Agriculture and Land Use
Zeddies, Jürgen