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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
52425 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52425 Jülich
Research Units
Current projects
Combinations of damped harmonic oscillations as stable building blocks of autocorrelation functions in quantum many-body systems
Gemmer, Jochen
Michielsen, Kristel
Decoherence and Relaxation in Quantum Spin Clusters
Michielsen, Kristel
Schnack, Jürgen
FOR 2692: Fundamental Aspects of Statistical Mechanics and the Emergence of Thermodynamics in Non-Equilibrium Systems
Steinigeweg, Robin
Nonequilibrium dynamics in 2D clusters from the perspective of quantum typicality and eigenstate thermalization
Michielsen, Kristel
Steinigeweg, Robin
Completed projects
Massively parallel simulations of strong electronic correlations: Realistic coulomb vertex and multiplet effects
Koch, Erik
Pavarini, Eva
Simulationen der QCD mit dynamischen Overlap-Fermionen
Lippert, Thomas
Spektralnäherungen von Korrelationsfunktionen in der Gitter-Quantenchromodynamik mit Rechnerbündeln
Lippert, Thomas
Research Grants
Current projects
Accessibility and Sustainability for the tmLQCD software suite
Kostrzewa, Bartosz
ExtraNoise - Performance analysis of HPC applications in noisy environments
Mohr, Bernd
Wolf, Felix
FMhub - A Fast Multipole Solver Hub for the Scientific Community
Kabadshow, Ivo
Werner, Matthias
Completed projects
Measurements of hydrogen isotope ratios in atmospheric volatile organic compounds
Koppmann, Ralf
Optimierung von Leistung und Datenorganisation eines Linux-Clusters der 150-Gflops-Klasse im praktischen Einsatz
Lippert, Thomas
The outer solar system as consequence of a stellar flyby
Pfalzner, Susanne
Upper troposphere and lower stratosphere transport pathways of aerosol and tracers associated with the Asian monsoon circulation (AeroTrac)
Hoffmann, Lars
Hoor, Peter
Completed projects
Algorithms for next generation supercomputers
(Project Heads
Frommer, Andreas
Krieg, Stefan
Lippert, Thomas
Development of innovative supercomputer hardware architectures for lattice QCD and similar applications
(Project Heads
Lippert, Thomas
Pleiter, Dirk
Wettig, Tilo
Renormalization of composite operators
(Project Heads
Braun, Vladimir
Göckeler, Meinulf
Szabó, Kálmán
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
CATWALK - A Quick Development Path for Performance Models
Bischof, Christian
Mohr, Bernd
Wittum, Gabriel
Wolf, Felix
GromEx: Highly Scalable Unified Long-Range Electrostatics and Flexible Ionization for Realistic Biomolecular Simulations on the Exascale
Dachsel, Holger
Grubmüller, Helmut
Space-time parallel simulation of multi-modal energy systems
Benigni, Andrea
Bolten, Matthias
Speck, Robert
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Supercomputing, Codesign and Performance Optimisation Support
(Project Heads
Kostrzewa, Bartosz
Suarez, Estela
Data infrastructure and services
(Project Heads
Haunert, Jan-Henrik
Stein, Olaf
Integrating HPC-simulations with Data-Analysis for Structure Formation in Chemistry
(Project Heads
Kirchner, Barbara
Mutzel, Petra
Suarez, Estela
Massive star formation and cluster evolution
(Project Heads
Pfalzner, Susanne
Walch-Gassner, Stefanie
Multi-Level Iterative Solvers for Lattice Dirac Operators
(Project Heads
Krieg, Stefan
Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
Platform for research data management and quality assessment
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Kramer, Michael
Pfalzner, Susanne
Schlemmer, Stephan
Valencia-Schneider, Monica
Walch-Gassner, Stefanie
Towards Lattice Field Theory at the Exascale Frontier
(Project Heads
Kostrzewa, Bartosz
Krieg, Stefan
Suarez, Estela
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1995: Quantum Many-Body Methods in Condensed Matter Systems
Meden, Volker
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia
National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science
Goedicke, Michael
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas
Additional Information
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