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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften
Pflanzenwissenschaften (IBG-2)
52425 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52425 Jülich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Spatiotemporal plasticity of carbon allocation and rhizodeposition in the maize root system and its impact on the rhizosphere microbiome
Knief, Claudia
Koller, Robert
UAV-based Imaging of Far-red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Bendig, Juliane
Completed projects
Dynamik und Nährstoffflüsse im Xylemsaft
Schurr, Ulrich
Nonlinear analysis of multi-dimensional signals: local adaptive estimation of complex motion and orientation patterns
Barth, Erhardt
Garbe, Christoph
Mester, Rudolf
Scharr, Hanno
Research Grants
Current projects
Climate-resilient crops with improved phosphorus efficiency through beneficial fungal interactions
Ried, Martina
Schaaf, Gabriel
Wissuwa, Ph.D., Matthias
Yu, Peng
MapInWild: Mapping and Interpreting Wilderness from Space
Roscher, Ribana
Schmitt, Michael
Naturally grown timber elements as basis for load-bearing building structures - structural analysis and growth simulation
Klinkel, Sven
Schurr, Ulrich
Trautz, Martin
Tracking the use and adoption of agricultural technologies through satellite remote sensing and self-supervised deep learning (TrAgS)
Roscher, Ribana
Storm, Hugo
Completed projects
Functional analysis of DAHP synthase isoforms in higher plants
Janzik, Ingar
Identification, tracking, and classification of ocean eddies in along track radar altimetry data using deep learning (EDDY)
Kusche, Jürgen
Roscher, Ribana
Koordination des Primär- und Sekundärstoffwechsels
Stitt, Mark
Koordination des Primär- und Sekundärstoffwechsels
Bächmann, Knut
Mechanismen der Dynamik des pflanzlichen Blatt- und Wurzelwachstums
Schurr, Ulrich
Mechanisms of Apocarotenoid Metabolism and Signaling
Welsch, Ralf
Multitrophic Interactions with Oaks
Buscot, Francois
Grams, Thorsten
Rueß, Liliane
Scheu, Stefan
Schrey, Silvia
Tarkka, Mika
Tissue Engineering eines Knorpelersatzgewebes in einer neuartigen Alginatmatrix
Hendrich, Christian
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5351: KI-FOR Automation and Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring and Decision Making of Horticultural Crops (AID4Crops)
McCool, Christopher
IP5: Uncertainty meets explainability -- Combining Uncertainty Quantification and Explainable Machine Learning for Crop Monitoring
Roscher, Ribana
Completed projects
Bildfolgenanalyse zum Studium dynamischer Prozesse
Jähne, Bernd
The bacterial energy channel: Protozoa-bacteria interrelationships as affected by root vicinity, organic matter and soil depth
Bonkowski, Michael
Water as medium for nutrient distribution: Monitoring water distribution between subsoil and topsoil considering roles of biopores and plants, by MRT and pressure probes (WatMed)
Schneider, Heike
Zeit und raumaufgelöste Analyse von Wachstum, physiologischen und molekularen Vorgängen in Pflanzen
Stitt, Mark
Jähne, Bernd
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Bendig, Juliane
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Deep learning for satellite-based land use and land cover reconstruction
(Project Head
Roscher, Ribana
Completed projects
Measuring, modelling and understanding the spatio-temporal structures in atmosphere- land surface exchange
(Project Heads
Crewell, Susanne
Rascher, Uwe
Wahner, Andreas
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1525: The Dynamic Response of Plants to a Changing Environment
Weber, Andreas P.M.
GRK 2466: Network, exchange, and training program to understand plant resource allocation (NEXTplant)
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1028: Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS) - From Complex Traits towards Synthetic Modules
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2070: PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production
Kuhlmann, Heiner
Stachniss, Cyrill
Additional Information
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