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Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
Department 2
Sektion 2.1: Erdbeben- und Vulkanphysik
Helmholtzstraße 6-7
14467 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14467 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
Geomorphic and tectonic controls on the location of eruptive centers in the Andean magmatic arc of southern Chile
Bookhagen, Ph.D., Bodo
MUSE: Magmatic Underplating and Swarm Earthquakes
Dahm, Torsten
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Completed projects
A seismological study of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone: Joint inversion
Dahm, Torsten
Aufstieg von Magmen durch Dykes und Krustenbildung an Spreizungszonen
Dahm, Torsten
Earthquakes + Radon
Weber, Michael
Hotspot dominated rifting: Volcanic island evolution and collateral geo-hazards resulting from cascading geodynamic processes - The instance of Sao Miguel (south-eastern Terceira Rift, Azores)
Hübscher, Christian
Incipient Continent-Continent Collision and its impact on basement and sedimentary cover
Ehrhardt, Axel
Hübscher, Christian
Jegen-Kulcsar, Marion
Weber, Michael
INsights into rupture DIrectivity patterns from microseismicity to weak events: implications on induced seismicity by fluid injection processes (INDI)
Dahm, Torsten
In-situ Kalibrierung breitbandiger Ozeanbodensysteme sowie Quantifizierung und Optimierung der Ankopplung am Meeresboden
Dahm, Torsten
Inversion nach zeitlichen und räumlichen Änderungen des Spannungsfeldes in der Schwarmbebenregion Vogtland/NW-Böhmen
Dahm, Torsten
Kann Mikroseismizität und Mikroakustik als Indikator für Spannungen und Struktur dienen?
Becker, Dirk
Kinematische Herdparameter für globale und regionale Erdbeben
Dahm, Torsten
Large scale intrusion, lateral magma reservoir growth and stress field changes at Lazufre volcano region, Chile; Code: LAzufre MAgmatic Systems (LAMAS)
Dahm, Torsten
Walter, Thomas
MagmaKammern: Surface Loading Changes as Top-Down Controls on Magma Reservoir Formation
Rivalta, Ph.D., Eleonora
MagmaPropagator: A forecasting tool for location and time of volcanic eruptions due to off-conduit magma propagation.
Rivalta, Ph.D., Eleonora
Zöller, Gert
Modelling melt ascent through the asthenosphere-lithosphere-continental crust system: Linking melt-matrix-two-phase flow with dyke propagation
Rivalta, Ph.D., Eleonora
Schmeling, Harro
Non thermal equilibrium two-phase flow of melt in a compacting matrix : insights on melt migration and dike initiation in the upper mantle
Chevalier, Laure
Observing seismic and silent faulting related to a megathrust earthquake cycle: Joint application of InSAR and creepmeter ground displacement measurements
Victor, Pia
Passive seismic recordings south of Iceland
Dahm, Torsten
PRISM - Probabilistic Inference of Source Mechanisms
Stähler, Simon
SeisMic Observations of deep VolcAnic pRocesses
Rümpker, Georg
Sens-Schönfelder, Christoph
Seismological array experiment in the deep ocean west of Portugal to test the theoretical improvements in deep structure imaging and phase identification
Dahm, Torsten
Krüger, Frank
Seismotectonic investigation of the Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran, by means of an innovative algorithm for seismic moment tensor retrieval
Krüger, Frank
Stress interaction between rift zones and unstable flanks on ocean island volcanoes
Freundt, Armin
Subduktion und Seismizität im tyrrhenischen Raum
Dahm, Torsten
Tjornes Fracture Zone Seismic Tomography Experiment 2004
Dahm, Torsten
Unravelling the Areas Prone to Large Earthquakes in the Caucasian Region (KaukasUs-R)
Ismail-Zadeh, Alik
Untersuchung/Charakterisierung mittel- und nordatlantischer seismischer Quellen mittlerer Magnitude mit 3-Komponenten Arrays
Dahm, Torsten
Krüger, Frank
Untersuchung der Deformation, Seismizität und vulkanischen Gefährdung des Columbo Seamount (Santorini, Ägäisches Meer)
Dahm, Torsten
Virtual Lower Rhine Embayement: Physics-based numerical simulation of earthquake ruptures and seismic cycles
Hainzl, Sebastian
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Analyse der Spannungsentwicklung und Spannungsumlagerung an Vulkanen
Walter, Thomas
Bridging Geodesy and Seismology for improved and automated estimation of faulting events
Sudhaus, Henriette
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Characterizing source properties of NW Bohemia / Vogtland earthquake swarms exploiting novel network and waveform processing tools (CHASING).
Buyukakpinar, Ph.D., Pinar
Follow the CO2 (ICDP Eifel): Pre-site survey by large-N passive seismology (Survive)
Dahm, Torsten
Haberland, Christian
Completed projects
High-resolution Imaging of Swarm Systems through seismological re-processing of earthquakeswarm episodes employing full waveform double-difference methods [HISS]
Alexandrakis-Zieger, Ph.D., Catherine
Cesca, Simone
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Locating Scattered Energy in Vogtland's Earthquake Swarm Source Area through Double 3D-Array Beamforming and Inter-Event Coda Correlation Imaging (D3D)
Dahm, Torsten
Krüger, Frank
Ohrnberger, Matthias
MagmaCourse: Fluid pathways below the Eger Rift constrained by numerical and analog simulations.
Rivalta, Ph.D., Eleonora
More - Mofette Research
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
Woith, Heiko
Origin of KTB fluids and impact of pressure variations on the fluid chemistry during a long-term pumping test at KTB-VB
Woith, Heiko
Spatial and temporal seismic imaging of fluid migration through the crust in the W-Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarm area
Korn, Michael
Wegler, Ulrich
Untersuchung des Spannungsfeldes in Osteuropa durch Messungen in Tiefbohrungen
Fuchs, Karl
Untersuchung des Spannungsfeldes in Osteuropa durch Messungen in Tiefbohrungen
Roth, Frank
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Ermittlung rheologischer Parameter mittels Modellierung zeitabhängiger Krustendeformationen
(Project Head
Roth, Frank
Time-Delayed Tectonic Effects and Interaction of Earthquakes
(Project Head
Roth, Frank
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Constraints on Quaternary processes in the Eastern Alps from a new detailed image of seismicity
Cesca, Simone
Kummerow, Jörn
Geophysical imaging of the deep seated pluming system feeding and controlling the Logatchev Hydrothermal vent field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 15°N
Dahm, Torsten
Grevemeyer, Ingo
Jegen-Kulcsar, Marion
Passive electromagnetic and seismological measurements to study deep partial melt structure beneath the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
Dahm, Torsten
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