Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik (IWU)
Wissenschaftsbereich Umformtechnik
Nöthnitzer Straße 44
01187 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01187 Dresden
Research Grants
Completed projects
Visioplastische Untersuchungen beim Walzen von Hochverzahnungen
Müller, Roland
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Prozeßketten der Umformtechnik zu Herstellung wellenförmiger Werkstücke
(Project Heads
Glaß, Roland
Lorenz, Bernd
Pre Fabrication of Aluminum-Magnesium-Composites
(Project Heads
Glaß, Roland
Neugebauer, Reimund
CRC/Transfer Units
Completed projects
Umsetzung der Prozesskette Bohrungsdrücken/Querwalzen am Prototyp
(Project Heads
Kreißig, Reiner
Lorenz, Bernd
Current projects
Adaptive models for in-line process monitoring and control
(Project Heads
Dementyev, Alexander
Ihlenfeldt, Steffen
TRR 402: Intelligent production technologies for lightweight plastic structures with load-dedicated 3D grading of the reinforcement architecture
Kroll, Lothar
Completed projects
Forming of piezo-metal-compounds and numerical investigation of shaping operation and its influence on functionality
(Project Heads
Drossel, Welf-Guntram
Müller, Roland
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Development of the theoretical and technological fundamentals for intrinsic thermoplastic composite/metal hollow profiles with load-adapted cross-scale form fit
Gude, Maik
Kästner, Markus
Müller, Roland
Dry Deep Drawing of Aluminium for Automotive Production
Müller, Roland
Schubert, Andreas
Vollertsen, Frank