Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften
Abteilung Neuropsychologie
Stephanstraße 1A
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Units
Completed projects
Arbeitsgedächtnis: Eingabe-, Speicher- und Abrufprozesse
Schröger, Erich
Differenzierung von Diagnoseprozessen in der Sprachverarbeitung
Kurths, Jürgen
Early language development and specific developmental language disorders
Weissenborn, Jürgen
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Feinstruktur argumentkodierender Flexionsmarker
Friederici, Angela
Müller, Gereon
FOR 2253: Crossing the Borders: The Interplay of Language, Cognition, and the Brain in Early Human Development
Höhle, Barbara
From associative to controlled learning of non-adjacent dependencies - brain function and structure
Friederici, Angela
Höhle, Barbara
Männel, Claudia
Wartenburger, Isabell
Neurocoginitive aspects of nomal and pathological language acqusition: event-related brain potentials in normal and language impaired children
Friederici, Angela
Neuronale Grundlagen des visuellen Arbeitsgedächtnisses
Mecklinger, Axel
Understanding structures of different complexity in language and action: Parallels in development and neurocognitive processing across domains
Altvater-Mackensen, Ph.D., Nicole
Paulus, Markus
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Learner variability in early childhood - from genes and environments to brain and behavior
Skeide, Michael
Research Grants
Current projects
Cultural unity and diversity of learning to read: A comparative cognitive neuroscience approach
Skeide, Michael
Completed projects
Sleep and memory formation in infants and toddlers
Friedrich, Manuela
The emergence of precise numerosity representations in the human brain
Skeide, Michael
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Parts of speech and iconicity in German Sign Language (DGS)
Pendzich, Nina-Kristin
Steinbach, Markus
Zaccarella, Emiliano
Completed projects
The dynamic connectome underlying language in the brain
Anwander, Alfred
Deco, Gustavo
Friederici, Angela
Knösche, Thomas
Zeitliche Segmentierung akustischer Inputs: Prosodische und syntaktische und lexikalische Verarbeitung
Friederici, Angela
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 399: Universality and Diversity: Linguistic Structures and Processes
Zybatow, Gerhild
GRK 1182: Function of Attention in Cognition
Müller, Matthias M.
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 86: Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Pauen, Michael
Villringer, Arno