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Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Themenbereich Ökosysteme der Zukunft
Department Bodensystemforschung
Theodor-Lieser-Straße 4
06120 Halle
This institution in GERiT
06120 Halle
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Vetterlein, Doris
Microheat-2: Carbon and energy turnover for complex substrates and intact soils
Blagodatskaya, Evgenia
Reitz, Thomas
Schlüter, Steffen
Relevance of root growth and related soil structure formation for spatiotemporal patterns of chemical and biological properties and emergent system functions
Mikutta, Robert
Schlüter, Steffen
Vetterlein, Doris
SPP 2089: Rhizosphere Spatiotemporal Organisation - a Key to Rhizosphere Functions
Vetterlein, Doris
Completed projects
Diffuse und konvektive Sauerstofftransportprozesse in heterogenen ungesättigten Kippensedimenten: Eine dynamische 2-Phasen-Modellierung
Geistlinger, Helmut
Modellierung des Kohlenstoffhaushaltes in Ackerböden auf der Grundlage bodenstrukturabhängiger Umsatzprozesse
Franko, Uwe
Quantification of active interfaces with respect to dissolved chemicals in unsaturated structured soil
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Spatial organization of the liquid phase in the rhizosphere
Carminati, Andrea
Schlüter, Steffen
Supplement for compensation of additional construction costs for the central plot experiment of PP 2089 at the field station Bad Lauchstädt
Vetterlein, Doris
Research Grants
Current projects
Investigations of CO2 flow and transport processes in high pressure gas injections (100 bar) using micro-computer tomography, representative micro-models and numerical models
Amro, Mohd
Plot Scale Soil Diffusivity Measurement System - PedoDiff
Lazik, Detlef
Peth, Stephan
Soil structure turnover under various land uses and feedback to soil carbon turnover
Leuther, Frederic
Mikutta, Robert
Schlüter, Steffen
Completed projects
Durch Pflanzen induzierte Heterogenität des osmotischen Potentials in Böden. Bedeutung für Wasseraufnahme und Wachstum der Pflanzen
Vetterlein, Doris
Experimente zur Bestimmung effektiver Materialeigenschaften und röntgentomographische Untersuchungen der subskaligen Struktur
Roth, Kurt
Gross ammonification, gross nitrification and N net mineralization in temperate forest soils at low temperatures
Matzner, Egbert
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Messung der hydraulischen Heterogenität von Böden anhand von Strukturinformationen und inverser Parameterschätzung
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Monitoring and modelling of non-equilibrium soil water dynamics and lateral subsurface flow in hillslope soils
Gerke, Horst Herbert
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Wöhling, Thomas
MUCILAGE: the hydraulic bridge between roots and soil
Carminati, Andrea
Schaumann, Gabriele
Vetterlein, Doris
Phytolith solubility in paddy soil
Mikutta, Robert
Soil structure formation through the action of plants and microbes
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Schloter, Michael
Vetterlein, Doris
Stoffausträge landwirtschaftlicher Flächen durch Dränage, präferenziellen Bodenwasserfluss, Oberflächenabfluss: Modell und experimentelle Validierung
Köhne, John Maximilian
Study on the universal scaling behavior of residual gas phases using micro-computed tomography
Geistlinger, Helmut
Transport- und Umsetzungsprozesse des klimarelevanten Gases N20 im System Grundwasser/ungesättigte Zone/Boden - Reaktive Transport-Modellierung und prozessbasiertes Upscaling der N20-Emission aus dem Grundwasserleiter
Geistlinger, Helmut
Visualization and modeling of the evaporation process using representative 2D Micromodels and universal scaling laws
Geistlinger, Helmut
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2337: Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales (DASIM)
Müller, Christoph
Completed projects
Dynamic capillary fringes - a multidisciplinary approach
Geistlinger, Helmut
Experimental exploration of denitrification in multiscale porous media and soil
Schlüter, Steffen
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Non-equilibrium processes during infiltration into structured soil
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Plant induced weathering of minerals in the subsoil - release of 'non-exchangeable' potassium from 2:1 layer minerals (TransMinK)
Jahn, Reinhold
Transport of engineered inorganic nanoparticles (EINP) through soil
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Linking biodiversity to biogeochemical cycling (C-N cycling) in grasslands by soil structure (BIOSTRUC)
Franko, Uwe
Illerhaus, Bernhard
Joschko, Monika
Additional Information
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