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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie
Department Pharmazie
Butenandtstraße 5
81377 München
This institution in GERiT
81377 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Synthesis and pharmacology of selective non-steroidal inhibitors of 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase
Bracher, Franz
Müller, Christoph
The role of HCN channels for the synchronization process in the sinoatrial node of the heart
Biel, Martin
Fenske, Stefanie
Wahl-Schott, Christian
Completed projects
Cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) - Characterization of its functional relevance for endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis
Zahler, Stefan
Entwicklung eines spezifischen Inhibitors der Proteinkinase DYRK1A
Becker, Walter
Bracher, Franz
Functional roles and regulation of HCN channels iin neuronal circuits
Biel, Martin
Funktionelle Charakterisierung von TPCN2 Kanälen in vitro und in vivo
Wahl-Schott, Christian
LRP1-targeted carbon nanodots for crossing BBB and delivering small molecule or protein drugs into brain
Wagner, Ernst
Molekulare Analyse des ziliären Transports von Zyklonukleotid-aktivierten Kationenkanälen
Michalakis, Stylianos
Programmed dual targeted lipopolymeric delivery systems for cancer gene therapy
Wagner, Ernst
Role of elements in the NO/cGMP pathway for associative fear leraning and synaptic plasticity in the lateral amygdala studied in various mouse models
Kleppisch, Thomas
Struktur-Wirkungs-Studien zu Peptidantibiotika vom Biphenomycin-Typ
Paintner, Franz F.
The role of Cdk5 as target in hepatocellular carcinoma
Vollmar, Angelika
Zahler, Stefan
Untersuchungen zur Physiologie von Schrittmacherkanälen an Hand HCN2-defizienter Mäuse
Biel, Martin
Wirkungen von Stickoxid bei der postoperativen Reperfusion menschlicher Herzen
Massoudy-Touiserkan, Parwis
Research Units
Current projects
Development of a Gene Therapy for Usher Syndrome Type 1B (USH1B)
Biel, Martin
FOR 5621: OCU-GT: Addressing the Unmet Needs in Ocular Gene Therapy
Michalakis, Stylianos
Completed projects
Impact of archazolid on tumor metabolism
von Schwarzenberg, Karin
Selektive Hemmung des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-kB in Kupfferzellen - Bedeutung für den Ischämie-Reperfusionsschaden der Leber
Vollmar, Angelika
Syntheses of pretubulysin derivatives for targeted tumor therapies
Kazmaier, Uli
Wagner, Ernst
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Synthesis and characterization of low-molecular modulators of epigenetic target enzymes
(Project Head
Bracher, Franz
Completed projects
Controlling cellular function by structured environments: Artificial angioge-nesis
(Project Head
Zahler, Stefan
Control of neuronal circuit activity by HCN channel modulation
(Project Head
Biel, Martin
Einfluß von Redox-Streß auf die Aktivität von TACE und Calpain bei Ischämie und Reperfusion
(Project Heads
Becker, Bernhard F.
Zahler, Stefan
Funktion und Regulation Zyklonukleotid-regulierter Kationenkanäle
(Project Head
Biel, Martin
Nucleic acid nanoagents utilizing the intracellular microRNA-200c machinery for switching functions in breast cancer cells
(Project Head
Wagner, Ernst
Synthese von Nanopartikeln (künstliche Viren)
(Project Head
Wagner, Ernst
The role of HCN channels in the septo-hippocampal circuit
(Project Heads
Biel, Martin
Wahl-Schott, Christian
Transcriptional addressing of dendritic cells (DCs) with the help of an hPFscn1 derived promotor using DC-addressing polymers for tumortherapy
(Project Heads
Bros, Matthias
Wagner, Ernst
Zentel, Rudolf
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A multiplexing CRISPRa approach for gene-independent therapy of retinal degeneration
Biel, Martin
Completed projects
Optimization of treatment flow to improve performance of retinal gene therapy
Seeliger, Mathias
Receptor-targeting and intracellular disassembly of gene vectors
Ogris, Manfred
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Evaluation der Wirksamkeit lokaler Gentherapie bei CNG Kanal-difizienten Mausmodellen für erbliche Netzhauterkrankungen
Seeliger, Mathias
Evaluation der Wirksamkeit lokaler Gentherapie bei CNG Kanal-difizienten Mausmodellen für erbliche Netzhauterkrankungen
Biel, Martin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Aufrechtes Konfokales Mikroskop mit Resonanzscanner
Confocal High-Content-Screening-Microscope
GC-gekoppeltes Tandem-Massenspektrometer
Inverses Konfokales Laserscanning Mikroskop mit FCS/FCCS
In vivo Imaging Einheit
Current projects
Exploring TPC2 as target for age-dependent macular degeneration therapy
(Project Heads
Biel, Martin
Michalakis, Stylianos
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2338: Targets in Toxicology - Deciphering Therapeutic Targets in Lung Toxicology
Gudermann, Thomas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 82: Graduate School Of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU)
Grothe, Benedikt
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 4: Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)
Bein, Thomas
Feldmann, Jochen
EXC 114: Munich Center for Integrated Protein Science (CIPSM)
Carell, Thomas
Additional Information
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