Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten
Fachbereich Judaistik
Veterinärstraße 1
80539 München
This institution in GERiT
80539 München
Research Grants
Completed projects
Critical edition & annotated translation of Bar Ebroyo's Syriac Universal Chronicle with its continuations
Weltecke, Dorothea
Independence and Diversity: Unknown Karaite Bible Commentaries in Judeo-Arabic from the Early Classical Age
Vollandt, Ronny
The History of the Jewish Book in the Islamicate World
Vollandt, Ronny
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Dynamics in the Polysystem: A Study of Hebrew Narrative Prose and its Changing Status within the Jewish Literary Canon of the Middle Ages
Fuchs, Annabelle