Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Historisches Seminar
Abteilung für Mittelalterliche Geschichte
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
This institution in GERiT
80539 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Sigismund's Imperial Rule Reconsidered - Bavaria and the other territories of the Empire
Burkhardt, Julia
Fees, Irmgard
Completed projects
A European Scandal and its Resonances: The Pazzi-Conspiracy as a Media Event and a Lieu de Mémoire
Daniels, Tobias
Enea Silvio Piccolomini/Papst Pius II. (1405-1464). Eine Biographie
Märtl, Claudia
From Ritual Openness to Juridical Disambiguation: The Relationship of the Papacy to the Normans and Hohenstaufen in Southern Italy (11th-13th Centuries)
Görich, Knut
Kritische Edition der Historia Austrialis des Enea Silvio Piccolomini
Märtl, Claudia
Marriage processes before the official's court in Freising in the Late Middle Ages
Märtl, Claudia
Writing History in Times of Political Upheaval: Contexts of Contemporary Historiography in Norman and Staufen Southern Italy (12th century)
Görich, Knut
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
High Medieval Systems of Knowledge in Transition
Daniels, Tobias
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Between commitment and control: vigilance in pre-modern Benedictine monasteries
(Project Heads
Burkhardt, Julia
Klymenko, Iryna
Completed projects
Authority and Political Contingency at the 15th-Century Curia
(Project Head
Märtl, Claudia
Acquisition and Provision
Completed projects
Erstellung einer Web 2.0-fähigen Erweiterung der Sacherschließung im OPAC der MGH-Bibliothek durch Einbindung der Personennamendadei (PND) der Deutschen Bibliothek in Verbindung mit Links auf bereits digitalisierten historischen Bio-Bibliographien
Märtl, Claudia
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Bibliotheken und Archive im Verbund mit der Forschung: Bereitstellung der Fachbibliographie "Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters" als dynamische elektronische Publikation
Fuhrmann, Horst
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
AMAD - Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale. Repository and science blog for Medieval Studies
Burkhardt, Julia
Kuczera, Andreas
Risch, Uwe